Where My darkness Lies

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(Written in 2016)

Happy late Halloween, everyone! (I really wanted to get this out on Halloween, but I kept getting writers block) So before I get into this story, I have a tiny bit of bad news, I have decided to stop uploading to 'Wincest Oneshots' and have already added it to completed stories. But not to worry! I'll still be writing and posting Wincest fics on here, but just individually.

Now that that's said and done, the story I have for you guys today is an original from yours truly. So I hope you enjoy, because I'll definitely be making more original stories in the future! :)

Warning(s): Horror, gore, and child death

She opened her eyes, the light of the room blinding her for a brief moment. But once her eyes did adjust and she was able to discern were exactly she was, she almost wished the light had blinded her completely.

Sitting on her knees beside the door on her bathroom floor, what she sees in front of her is so horrifying, that it makes her body tense and freeze up in pure shock.

Only a few feet away from her, is a creature that looks exactly like her. It's body shape and face match her's down to the last detail, and it has the same long dark brown hair as she. Though, there were a few things that still made the creature different from the real her.

The whites of its eyes are cloudy, and its pupils are completely nonexistent, the only thing that stands in place of the missing pupils, is a light shade of murky brown orbs. Its skin is a ghostly shade of white, making it look almost sickly. And it stares at her intently, a twisted grin plastered on its face.

But that's not even the most horrifying part of the scene before her. No, the horrifying part is what the creature is doing, and why it has that twisted grin and intense stare.

The creature sits in almost the exact same position as she does, but it doesn't sit on its legs, instead it sits a top the body beneath it. And that body is of a young boy, but not just any young boy, no.

It was her son.

Her son. The child she and her husband raised from a small, precious babe, into the kind and caring, handsome and rebellious teen he was today.

That child, her child, her precious baby, was lying beneath this creature with her face, as it took a knife - repeatedly - into the stomach of her little boy's already lifeless body.

Over, and over, and over, and over again.

Stop, stop, please... just stop!

She wants nothing more than to shout those words, to jump up and rip the creature from her child, but she can't. Her body is still frozen in shock, her eyes glued to the gruesome scene.

But for some unknown reason, she can't seem to feel afraid of the creature. She knows she probably should, and maybe that notion alone should put fear into her, but it doesn't. Why doesn't she fear it?

Because you don't need to fear me.

She hears it speak, but its mouth only stays up in that twisted grin, not wavering for even a second.

I am you, after all.

It says, finally stopping its cruel administrations on the corpse of her child.

And you have no reason to fear yourself, my dear. I'm only here to show you what you truly desire.

What was this creature saying? It wasn't her and she wasn't it, just because it had a resemblance to her, didn't mean a damn thing. And this, this most definitely wasn't something she desired!

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