The Girl Who Scared The Demon of The Bloody Mist

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Chapter Four:

She was angry, was the first thought that went through Kakashi and Kiba's heads as she healed a poisoned Naruto with her hands glowing a soft winter grass green, her lilac eyes glowing from the Byakugan used to detect the poison used by the Demon Brothers. They knew from the way her lips weren't in their usual calm line-instead, in a tight line-and her muscles tense with her breaths deep and calming-calming herself. Tazuna was oblivious, even Naruto noticed her anger rising and let her heal him, even though his prisoner was already on it, although with an insecure look on his face. Her hands stopped their beautiful glow and she softly said, rather tightly, "You'll be okay, Naruto, just some minor swelling." Maybe angry was an understatement, they thought as she turned her Byakugan eyes onto Tazuna, glaring so fiercely, they bet that even Kami was scared of her, a severe understatement... They replaced their previous thought. This girl, Hinata Hyūga, the softest, gentlest, kindest, and shyest girl you'd ever meet, was livid.

All because of this drunk bastard.

"Tazuna-san," She oh-so-sweetly called to the drunk old man who was now sweating waterfalls. "Y-yes?" He squeaked, feeling the killing intent of the sweet, shy girl bombard him like the atomic bomb that hit Nagasashi. She gracefully-deadily-strode towards the shaking man, with her eyes closed and a sickly sweet smile on her lips. "Did you forget to mention," She sweetly started, "the missing nin after you during your registration of your mission?" He gulped loudly, lifting a shaking finger pointing upwards as if to make a point, but no sound escaped his chapped lips.





"N-no..." He squeaked once again, quickly, when she now stood within touching range. More like killing range, the three younger males thought as they stood far away from their teammate. "Then why didn't you mention it to us? More specifically...Hokage-sama?" She asked, putting emphasis on the title of Konoha's leader, knowing fully well of the trouble he would get if Hiruzen Sarutobi-the Professor of Shinobi-found out that Tazuna, a mere civilian bridge builder, lied to him, the most powerful shinobi in Konoha. "U-um...because...." "Because," She urged for him to continue, her killing intent rising like a tidal wave. "B-b-because....Idon'thaveenoughmoneytopayforanA-rankmissionandit'sallbecauseofthemoneysharkGatoandhisgangbecausehecloseddownalloftheportstoothervillagesandplacesandherobbedmycountrysoIstartedtobuildabridgesowecouldmakelandtradesandifyoustopnowandleavemealonemydaughterwillcryovermygraveandmygrandsonwillscornKonohaanditsshinobifortherestofhislifesopleasedon'thurtme!!!!" He rapidly said while ending in a high pitched squeak, his eyes closed and hands held up in a defensive gesture. This only made her anger grow rapidly with each word said, and she asked calmly, "You lied to Hokage-sama...which caused my friend to get hurt-almost die-and now, you dare threaten us?" She ended with an angered roar, her usual soft lilac eyes bleeding into a glaring dark violet as lavender lightning started to encircle her, shocking the air in dark cackles, with her violet eyes glaring fiercely at the bridge builder. Akamaru whimpered in fear at the angered Hinata which caused Hinata to calm down, the lavender lightning disappearing as her glaring dark violet eyes softened into their gentle lilac color, her killing intent leaving the atmosphere. After all, she didn't want Akamaru to frighten her...that was the last thing she wanted. "So," Kakashi piped up in the tense silence that built up between them, "Do you guys think we should go on with the mission or abandon the old bastard?" The three genin were silent, asking themselves their sensei's question. Naruto was the first to speak, "I think we should go on with the mission, Kakashi-sensei, even if the bastard deserves to be left to go out there by himself. He made 'Nata mad." Kiba and Hinata agreed silently with Akamaru barking in affirmation which made Kakashi grin from underneath his mask. "Okay, then let's go!" He excitedly said, "But first...let's greet our shadow friend..." Hinata's eyes widened slightly, her breath stopping for just a mere second.

He found Dimitri.

Her eyes fluttered closed in defeat as she sighed, calling out softly, "You can come out, Dimitri." Out of the shadows stepped out Dimitri, his bronze eyes piercing into everyone as he stood next to Hinata protectively with his smooth caramel colored hair shifting with the movement his body caused. His dark grey wings were folded neatly on his back as his arms were crossed over his firm, strong chest, his trench coat swaying over his casual clothing and hiding his hidden sword. "Hinata, who's this?" Kakashi asked, gesturing to the schatten engel that stood next to the young Hyūga. "This is Dimitri Jaeger of Abgurd, my dark guardian angel." Hinata said after a moment of silence, glancing up at the 6'3 man that had become a precious person to her after all these years. "I wasn't going to show you guys him-" or my true form, "-until I was chunin. Guess that plan's out the window." Dimitri gave her a concerned look at her defeated posture. "They were bound to figure out, Lady Amethyst." He reassured slightly, his wings twitching uncomfortably at the sight of his kingdom's princess upset. "Dude, her name's Hinata...not Amethyst." Kiba corrected the schatten engel with Akamaru barking in agreement. Before Dimitri could retort, Hinata quickly said, "I'll explain everything later, let's just go to Wave first!" Kakashi was silent before nodding, "Alright, and can your Dimitri friend-" "No, he can't. He can only withstand the light for only a few moments at a time." Hinata interupted, knowing that he wanted Dimitri to stay in his line of sight. Kakashi huffed before nodding. "Okay, but if you hurt anyone, especially her, I'll kill you." Kakashi warned, gesturing to everyone, then her like a father. It didn't help either that he spoke in a father-like tone. Dimitri rolled his eyes and nodded before sinking into Hinata's shadow, making Kiba and Naruto chorus "Sugoi!" before they setted out for Wave. we're doomed.

Was their thought as they watched Kakashi get trapped in Zabuza's Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique), leaving the three genin-and one ninken-to defend their client fight Zabuza. "W-we can do this, right?" Kiba asked when Zabuza made more Mizu Bunshin (Water Clones) as Naruto made a handsign before stating, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)!" A single clone appeared by his side and it nodded before taking out a kunai and standing in front of Tazuna as Naruto stepped up with a determined look in his eyes. "We need to use it..." He trailed off, knowing that his teammates got the hint. "Are you nuts?!" Kiba yelled, "We haven't even tested it out! We just came up with the theory!!!" "Kiba," Hinata said seriously, catching the two boys' attention in shock, "We need to trust Naruto. If he says that we need to use it, we will use it." Kiba opened his mouth to protest but settled with a fustrated groan. "Fine! Fine! Let's just get into position." He said in fustration before taking out ninja wire from his pouch as Naruto took out two three-pointed kunai that had seals attached to them. The two boys walked towards each other then back away together, giving Hinata some room as she took deep breaths, sliding into her Jūho (Gentle Step) stance with her eyes closed. Suddenly, her right wrist flicked upward as her left wrist flicked downward.

Zabuza's bunshin spasmed.

She continued to move her wrists, then arms, before standing straight from her stance, the bunshin following her movements. She lifted her right arm behind her and grasped an imaginary handle-with the clones grabbing Kubikiribōchō from their backs-and slid into a crouch, her left hand sliding across an imaginary length smoothly-with the clones doing the same-as she held a serene look.

"Go, Hinata!"

And go she did, commanding the clones to charge at a now bounded Zabuza, his eyes wide with shock, before he substituted with one of the charging clones...only to get a very hard roundhouse kick from Kakashi. He was sent towards a tree, his back slamming into the tree's body without remorse, before sliding down. Only one thought processed as he felt the cold needles dig into his neck, sending him into the cruel oblivion that is darkness:

Screw the Shinigami....the Hyūga girl is much more scarier.

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