-Chapter 1-

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Your POV

The balloon popped. Blood shot everywhere. Or was it paint? Is this just a cruel prank? I don't know. I collapse to the floor in fear, a crazy loud ringing in my head. Bev walks in and looks at me crying in the blood, the sound of evil laughter filling the room. Bev mutters "It..." then sits down beside me. "B-bev, I don't know what happened-" She hugs me, then helps me stand up. "No hard feelings?" Bev looks at me and asks. I nod. We can be friends. "I know you like Bill, Y/n. I don't see him than more as a friend if that makes you feel any better." I hug Bev abruptly, smiling "You are amazing Beverly. Girls stick together." Bev nods, running her hand through my h/c locks. We exit the bathroom, the look of panic washing off the boys' faces. Bill comes over, hugging Bev. I smile fakely, then walk away. I can't help but feel jealous of her.


Bill's POV

I see Y/n and Bev exit the bathroom, all of Y/n's clothes bloodied. And Bev had a few licks of blood on her. I feel all the panic leave me, and I hug the two girls. I'm guessing that Y/n moved, because I only hugged Bev. Richie started talking to Y/n, while I talked to Bev, questionning what happened. She explained everything. I couldn't help but feel a whole load of sympathy wash through me. I walk over to Y/n, hugging her tightly, then whispering in her ear "th-thank god you're safe....." I can feel her cheeks start to heat up. "Bill, I'm fine. Worry about other people. I don't matter."
In that few seconds, my heart shatters. I let go of her, to see Y/n crying softly. I take her hand and bring her outside where nobody is. She cries into my shoulder. "Bill.... I saw this balloon... A red one. It popped then I heard this crippling beeping noise. The beeping turned into laughter. Crazed laughter." I cut her off by lightly kissing her lips. She looks at me bewildered. "Why did you do that, Bill?" I look at her smiling. "I-I love you Y/n." Her face lightens up. "I love you too."


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