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indirect evidence included

i: what were you doing during the time of the murder?
s: i was walking down the river and through the forest
i: did you know namjoon?
s: no, i might've passed him in the halls a few times but that's it
i: what were you doing in the forest?
s: i was hunting. i had all my supplies with me

i: what were you doing during the time of the murder?
y: i was on my way to the movies
i: did you know namjoon?
y: yeah, we had group work together sometimes in photography class
i: why did you skip the photography club meeting and go to the movies instead?
y: i had my trip to the movies planned way before they announced the meeting, saved up for it

i: what were you doing during the time of the murder?
h: i was in photography club, taking scenery photos with my partner
i: did you know namjoon?
h: to some extent, he was really good at photography but that's all i really know
i: did yoongi tell you anything about having his trip to the movies planned before the meeting was called?
h: yeah, he was pretty pissed when the meeting was called and decided to just skip out on it

i: what were you doing during the time of the murder?
jm: i was at home
i: did you know namjoon?
jm: kind of, nice guy
i: what were you doing at the time the pictures of namjoon's dead body were posted to his instagram?
jm: i was just waking up for school

i: what were you doing during the time of the murder?
t: i was alone taking pictures in the forest
i: did you know namjoon?
t: not really, i noticed that he didn't have many friends and offered to work with him once though
i: why were you taking pictures alone? weren't you supposed to be doing group work?
t: i couldn't find my partner

i: what were you doing during the time of the murder?
j: i was at home eating dinner
i: did you know namjoon?
j: not personally, but i've heard about him
i: as the witness, what were you doing when you came across his body?
j: i was going for a run that i do every evening at 6:00pm and every morning at 6:00am. i always go down the walking trail which is right next to a river. i almost tried to tug him back onto the river bank until i seen that the water around him was red, and called the police.

Vote in the comments for which pieces of evidence you would like to be released next; suspect's internet history, suspect's school schedule, suspect's attendance to classes, interviews with other students in the school, witnesses, time body was found, or external and internal autopsies.

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