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What defines us? is it our academic achievements?, is it where we live?, or is it the things we say and the actions we take?

When I was little I had a lot of truble with my family. I had a sister and a brother. I was the youngest one, and i liked it that way.

My mom and dad were married in what seemed a perfectly fine matrimony, and it had been that way for a long time. I wasn't very close with my mom, even though now she says that we were. I had a maid with whom I grew very close with, I considered her like an older friend that was there from the beginning, almost like a mother but not quite. She had a daughter that was 2 years older than me, and we got along pretty good, but my Best friend from the beginning was my cousin from my mom's family. 

The years passed and i got myself a little sister, and a bunch of memories that i treasure with my whole heart. I was homeschooled until I was 9 and in third grade. It wasn't a normal school. It was located close to my house so that i could walk there. It was a house, and the classrooms were really small. There were no more than 10 students per class, and there was 1 teacher per subject for the whole school. My parents wanted me to get used to the school feeling but they thought that a school with 30 kids per classroom would be pretty harsh on a 9-year-old that had never been to a school, so they started with this one. 

In this same year a lot of things happened. I started to notice something wrong with my parents. They often locked themselves inside their room for a long time, then i would see my mom run out with tears in her eyes towards  the kitchen for a smoke. I would ask her why she was crying but she always said that she was fine, so i would eventually give up on trying to help her, after all, there isn't much a little kid can do. Then my dad moved out of the house to live on his own, but not long after he came back. I didn't understand why, but they were trying to stay together for the sake of their four kids.

 My hair started to fall out, and i felt really weak. My skin started to peel off, and i felt cold all the time. I went to the doctor and he said something between the lines "your thyroid is fucked up" Apparently my immune system went crazy and started to attack my body. I was stuck with some pills for the rest of my life, and the fact that i couldn't eat much or else i would become obese and die. This was mostly caused if i was under a lot of stress and other things. I blamed it on my big brother and sister for always be bothering me, but also my mom for never doing anything about it. My dad wasn't really to blame because he was always working his ass of trying to maintain a family of 6 without the help of my mom. My dad always says that i was a really sad kid, and now we know why. The good thing is that after i started taking the pills my life became a whole lot better.

At school I was pretty antisocial for the first month or so, but then i got some friends, and apparently a "boyfriend". The thing is that this "boyfriend" already had a "girlfriend", so technically i was his side chick, but i did know that he had a girlfriend. All of our conversations ended up being about sex. I know, disgusting. 

This was the year I ended up loosing my pure soul, to the knowledge of what happens during sex. I didn't like that school, but it was better than to be in my house with the tension between my parents. 

After about a year of being at the school, my mom decided to move to another country to finish the studies that she didn't get to finish because of me. To be honest I wasn't really close with her to start with, so i wasn't very sad of her leaving. The idea was for her to go first with my big siblings, and then after she was used to the life there, my little sis and i would go there to live with her, but my dad offered me to stay with him instead of going with my mom. I said yes, because even though i love my siblings with all my heart, they made life really hard.

I went to visit my mom with my sister, and dropped her off there, but apparently by big sister didn't like it there so she decided to come back with me and live with my dad. When i came back, my dad told me that he had a girlfriend, but i didn't care because my parent's relationship was hopeless, and I'm pretty sure that my mom now hates my dad. 

I met  my dad's girlfriend when we went to Australia. She was pretty nice, and she had a daughter two years younger than me. We got off pretty good, and became sister buddies. We even made a vow to tell each other everything that was happening or bothering us. My dad asked us if we would be willing to move in with his girlfriend, in another country. I almost immediately said yes. I wanted it to be a fresh start, with new memories and new experiences to have, a new chapter in my life. My sister also said yes, and five months later we were on a plane to the United states of America, in our way to a new life.

This is the story of what happens after all this. This is the story of the New Chapter of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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