Chapter 5 ❤️

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//your pov//

I saw a light. I felt happiness. I felt satisfaction. I felt relief. But that light wasn't the light that I was hoping for. This was a different light. It was and LED light beaming down on my bruised face(from....u know...last chapter...). Then I felt disappointment.

I opened my eyes all the way. I could tell I was in a hospital because I could feel and see the IV hooked up to me. I tried moving, but couldn't. All I could do was move my head a little.

There was a nurse standing in the corner of the room, talking to what looked like a doctor. The nurse must've saw me out of the corner of her eye because she immediately brought her and the doctor's attention to me.

"Oh! She's awake," The nurse said. The doctor nodded, and the nurse left the room.

She came back a minute later, but with another person following behind her.


What the hell was he doing here?

Dallon saw me, and rushed over. He crouched down beside me and cupped my face in his hands. He began tearing up.

"Y/N. Thank god you're alive!" He said, whilst crying. The nurse and doctor left the room. Leaving us two alone.

I managed to choke out a few words. "Stop." I said with a raspy voice.

"What? What's wrong," Dallon asked confused.

"Stop crying for me."

"Why? Why shouldn't I be emotional right now?"

"Because I'm not something to lose yourself over."

"Y/N. I almost lost you. Do you have any idea what that was like for me? Do you have any idea what its like for me to see you in this state(condition) right now?" He said, continuing to cry.


I didn't realize that my doing could hurt someone else...

He's an emotional mess...

I made him worry...

I made him suffer...

I did this to him...

But why? Why did I do this to him?

HOW could I do this to him?

I'm a horrible person...

He deserves SO much more than a heart-breaking monster like me

And he probably thinks that too

But if he supposedly thinks that, then why the fuck is he still here?

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Dallon asked, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I must've been staring into space for longer than I thought.

"Huh? Yeah. I'm okay," I answered.

"Are you sure?" Dallon asked with pure concern in his tone.

Oh my god! Why does he care so damn much?

"Yes, Dallon. I'm fine," I said, raising my voice at him.

"Okay okay. No need to get snippy, I was just worried about you. That's all," Dallon said, his voice rising as well.

"But why Dallon?!" I shouted.

"Why, what?"

"Why do You worry so much?!"

"Well sorry for caring!"

"That's the other thing, why do you CARE so much? Why do you even care at all?! I'm trash!"

"Y/N, you are NOT trash. And I care about you so much because I love you!"

Both of us went silent for a few seconds. And the air that I have breathed in for my entire life, has never been so awkward. Dallon was embarassed, and I was shocked.

"Look, Y/N. I'm sorry for yelling at you," Dallon said, his voice a little shaky.

"No, Dallon. I'M sorry. You were just being a good friend and I was being a jerk about it," I said, dismissing his apology.

"Well I accept your apology," He said, unsure if he really accepted it or not. "Now if you'll excuse me, I should get going right now."

"No Dallon! Wait!"

I was too late. He had left the room, and shut the door behind him. And I was left all alone. I was left with my thoughts. Which everyone knows that that's something you do NOT want to do when someone's depressed.

Can you take a guess what I did? Or what I was ABOUT to do? I was about to take the IV strip-which was basically the only thing keeping me alive because I lost SO much blood- and pull it out of my arm, and let myself slowly die.

But I didn't. Because something-no, SOMEONE wouldn't let me. Dallon didn't really leave. He ran back into the hospital room, and proved what he accidentally said to me before, when we were arguing...

He kissed me. On the lips. I was shocked at first. But then I slowly kissed back. He cupped his hands around my face, deepening the kiss. Then he pulled away. I was half shocked and half lovestruck. Dallon pure red in the face.

"You came back," I said, getting slightly emotional.

"Of course I did. I could never leave you." Dallon was, once again, crying. "And I never will leave you."

"But why?" I asked him.

"Y/N, I think you already know the answer to that."

"Yeah, but I wanna hear you say it."

He chuckled. "I love you."

"And here I was thinking that I was just a fan."

"No way," He dismissed my statement. "You are so much more." (Stating words from the description). And he kissed me once more. Both of our hearts beating a thousands beats together, in sync.

Dallon Weekes loves me...

Dallon Weekes saved my life...TWICE...

And for that, I will forever love him in return...

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