A Rebel's Life

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A Rebel's Life

"How long are you going to act high and mighty?"

Erec turned around and glared at his sister and her exasperated question. He couldn't give her a dirty look for long as he needed to keep his eye on the packed market street, but he could at least spare a few steps to make sure she knew he was annoyed with her.

"You don't get to be irritated when you're the one making trouble."

"How was I making trouble?"

"You were gambling. Again! Even all this way from home you're still the same."

"Not even."

"How is it any different?"

"Well, for one, it was for a good cause. We have traveling money now because of me."

"You do not get to claim solo credit for that. Literally all of us have contributed. The best that can be said is that you held your weight. Though, considering how you came by the funds, I would rather you not have bothered at all."

Erec stopped at one of the stalls selling travel food and began pointing to the things he wanted so the seller could begin packing them up for him. They'd need hardtack, salted meat, and some dried fruits and vegetables that looked as though they could survive a day or two.

Manon rolled her eyes, adjusting the basket she had resting against her hip that was already filled with sleeping mats, new shoes for Erec since he was still wearing the dead soldier's and they fit poorly and were blistering his feet, and a new tunic for Nina so she wouldn't have to wear the short one that Manon had stolen for her.

"Gambling is not so great a crime, you know." Manon told him smugly. "It's just like a game. Everyone cheats, the point is not to get caught. The cards are just one aspect of it. It's also about misdirection, how fast you move your hands, controlling your face and emotions. There's a lot more to the game than what the casual observer will see on the surface.

Erec rolled his eyes before giving her a dull look as the merchant finished wrapping up the supplies he had indicated. "That doesn't change the fact that you were gambling."

"It is not even that bad."

"It is if you get arrested." Erec traded the food for coins with a nod of thanks before dropping the parcels into Manon's basket. He would have offered to carry the load for her, but Nina insisted that Manon do it in order to help build strength. And also, to punish her for gambling.

"So negative." Manon let out a long sigh, switching the basket to her other hip, now annoyed because the food weighed more than everything else combined. "I was doing fine before you got there. I was making some pretty decent money, too."

"I don't know why I ever try to have this conversation with you. You never listen." Erec stopped at the next booth and began ordering some basic medical supplies. With the money Gael and Addie had brought, they had enough to splurge, and he would rather have it and not need it.

"I do listen. I just choose to disregard everything you say."

"And you wonder why no one takes you seriously."

Manon glared at him but was unable to come up with a sufficient return to the barb. Neither of them said anything until after they had left the supply stall and were moving on to the man selling water. They wouldn't be able to carry as much as they had when they were on the airship, but they still needed to have it with them.

"When are we leaving?" Manon asked, irritated now.

Erec frowned, thinking. "Shouldn't be longer than a day or two. Addie has a job she had to finish here before we can leave."

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