Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Maddie Hart took three deep breaths before completing the three steps it will take for her to reach the stage, willing herself not to trip. She’s not always the clumsy type, but when she’s under pressure, well, that’s a different story.

When she was safely standing at the podium, she travelled her eyes to the crowd in front of her—students wearing the same flowing black robes as she was.

She took the time scanning these people. Most of them she grew up with. And a lot of them she grew to love.

Swallowing the huge lump that had formed in her throat, she flashed them a watery smile—chuckled, as some of her friends’ hair flew wildly due to the afternoon breeze.

She deliberately arranged the index cards that she prepared the night before, but she really didn’t need it as she knew her valedictory speech at heart.

She spent weeks trying to construct a speech, which she knew wouldn’t even amount to all the things she wanted to say.

But it was enough, for she knew that the friendship that was created on this very ground she was standing on was far greater than a mere speech.

She would later try to remember how her speech went down but all she would remember was the fast beating of her heart and the crazy sensation in her stomach.

But for now she beams as the crowd roars in applause and saw her parents—her mother mirrored the same smile that she has on her face. She shifted her gaze to her father, who unlike his wife wasn’t smiling, but the proud look he gave her was enough to make her tear up.

“And I am proud to present to you...” Headmaster Gray said as soon as she was in her designated seat. “...Le Rosey’s graduates of 2013!” Another round of applause and the next thing she knew, black caps are flying up the sky, accompanied by her schoolmates’ cheers and laughter.

High school was over. It was finally over. She was both relieved and saddened by the fact that in half an hour, she will be leaving this institute and she will not be coming back.

“Maddie!” It was Bethany Myers who tackled her from behind causing both of them to stumble on the ground.

“Dog pile!” She distinctly heard her other friend, Blair Bennett jumped at the heap of bodies on the ground that was Bethany and her. She could hear the people around them laugh and some of them probably took pictures.

“Geez guys, five minutes out and you already forgot what they taught us here.” She said to them once they were all on their feet.

“Who cares? Jacqueline can’t scold us anymore.” Beth said, pertaining to their campus prefect, who would always scold them if they as much laugh above zero decibel. Blair nodded in approval.

“I’m going to miss you guys.” Maddie laughed as she hugged the two girls.

As soon as she was old enough to read and write, her parents shipped her off to Le Rosey. She met Beth on her first year there and Blair when fifth grade started.

She’d been with them practically her whole life that it’s kind of weird to be separated with the both of them now that their time in boarding school was over.

“I know! It’ll be weird not having you guys around.” Beth said as if reading her mind. She smiled at her.

“You’re lucky,” Blair said to Beth. “You’re in London with Maddie, whereas I would be halfway across the world.” She dramatically touched her forehead.

“That’s okay, Blair. Maddie and I will send you pictures of our escapades.” Bethany teased, slinging an arm on Maddie’s shoulders.

Blair was about to retort when her parents called her. “That’s me I guess.” She bit her lip. “I guess I’ll call you?” She and Beth both nodded as Blair gave them one last hug. The brunette waved one last time before walking away.

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