Why we rarely

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Heeeyy. So this is Boris and I'm gonna tell you why me and my brother don't write that much.

Weellll... We're lazy. Yup, our reasoning is the dumbest reason of all. Also because the internet succckkks. The only time we can publish is if we ask the others to publish it for us.

Auntie Janette ( or Jasmine) is doing fine and we're helping her with things Yeeeaaaahh, that is actually all 😥...

Also side note. I know that we forgot to remove a chapter here that is entirely false. I'm sorry if we post things that are... Weird and depressing but just know that it's actually Alex who's releasing his inner emo. Some newer readers might be confused, but just know that sometimes we post things that say things like 'death' and 'split personas'.


His just releasing his inner emo ;)

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