Frozen In Moving Water

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       Just because you know I was a strong man in the past doesn't mean I'm strong now. I have nothing to fight for, nor do I want to keep fighting. My strength has faded, my dreams have faded, my hopes have as well. My heart is shattered into pieces I can't put back together. Every time I breathe it feels like water filling my lungs, I'm drowning... My lungs feel on fire, but my body feels cold. I start to see black and just drift away in the water. But my eyes never see the dark, I never die I just stay in the cold water feeling the burning forever... I can't swim to the top and I can't swim to the bottom... I no longer move... I just stay in one place... At this point, I get sharp pains in my bones due to how cold the water is.... My whole body in pain... I try swimming to the top or moving just a little but I'm swimming in one place not moving forward... I'm frozen in moving water...

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