Light x reader x L

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Note:- I'm really sorry it took me forever to update. But I'm quite busy and new ideas are hard to get. I was half asleep when I wrote this story so I'm really sorry if I had messed up in any part. If I will get time, I'm planning to write its second part so please tell me what you think about this one.

Light x reader x L

(Y/n)'s POV~~~'s so huge....I thought while watching the new building I entered. It was the place where I was going to work. Actually my mom was detective and she was killed by Kira. Detectives thought that I could be great help for them moreover I also wanted to work with them. I will never forgive someone like Kira. If I would get the chance, I would love to kill him with my own hands. I hated kira from the bottem of my heart. I was so lost in the thoughts and realised that I lost my way 😅
I saw a door nearby. I guess that's the conferance room. I should hurry up. I opened the door and saw the bright light. I also saw a figure sitting with his legs folded. Not to mention he was sitting in odd way.
" it a conferance hall?" I nervously asked.
"Yes it can debate with me?" He said with a small smile on his face which made me giggle. He does seem sweet.
"Then have a seat please." he offered me a chair in front of me.
"I'm Ryuzaki, and you?"
"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)...nice to meet you, Ryuzaki."
"Ah...(Mother/name)'s daughter. You just look like your mom." he complimented me. But wait,
"how do you know my mom?" I asked with surprise.
"I had worked with her. I will tell you a secret."
"what is it?" I blinked my eyes twise.
"I'm L.."
It took me a couple of minutes to believe it then my face wided open with amazement. "Sugoi......Sugoi.....sugoi...."
I jumped up and down with joy. I couldn't believe that I was with world's best detective L.
"OMG...may..may I shake hand with you?" I said with the best puppy eyes.
"Oh ya...sure." he said looking at his hand and then mine. He slowly shook my hand which made me so so so so much happy. I had always been a fan of L, he was like an ideal for me. But I never imagined that I would get chance to meet him.
"So you're gonna work here from now on, huh?" He said while shaking his coffee.
"Yaa...I might not be so smart as you but I hope I can help you." I bowed to him. I looked at clock and got up suddenly.
"Oh no...M so late...I gotta go now."
"Why?" he asked.
"I promised my friend that we'll meet. He's gonna teach me (least fav sub). You know tomorrow is entrance test of my university."
"I see.." he just kept staring at me with his big orbs.
"Ok then bye L...I mean Ryuzaki." I waved hand at him and left in hurry. I was in such hurry that I forgot my purse there.

I got home and changed my cloths to normal one. I was lucky that my best friend of childhood was my neighbour. His name is Light and he's so smart. We both know each other even since we're five. After all those years, I've grown a huge crush on him. He's so smart and I really like to study from him. He's a great teacher. I took my bag and left my home. It doesn't take so much time to go to his house since we share a common wall. So you can imagine how easy it is. I know I'm so lucky. I knocked on the door and waited for a while. The door was opened by Sayu. A big smile was formed on her face when she saw me. She welcomed me and told me that Light was in his room as usual. I took strairs to go upwards and knocked on the door.
"Light, It's me, (Y/n)."
"Come in..." I could hear his voice.
I entered his room with cute smile. He looked at me with usual normal emotions. "Ready to learn (subject)."
"Yeah..." I nodded with joy and sat on the chair. But wait, I saw a book with black cover on his desk. "What is it?" I asked and extended my hand to touch it but before I could, Light took it away. "Just another book." he put it into the drawer. I saw there was something written on that book. Something like Death note. "We should start." he said with kinda scary voice..I hope I'm not being a burden for him.

After 3 hours of continuous study, we finally decided to split up.
"Just keep calm and don't forget what I taught you." he said with comforting smile.
"Yeah...I will do my best tomorrow." I gave him a closed eye smile. "I hope that I can get admission in same university as know you mean...a lot to me and I don't...I don't want to lose you." I said while gazing at ground.
"Ne (Y/n), do me?" he said with nervous voice. My eyes widened in surprise...
"Um...yeah....I like you. So much..." as I gave him kiss on his chick. But he didn't bother to react at all. He just stood there like always. He didn't seem happy at all. Maybe he doesn't feel the same way.
"I better go now....bye Light." and I ran off with little tears in my eyes.

Light's POV~~~
No...please...don't go like this. I hope I could tell you how I feel. I really love you (Y/n), and I really want to spend my rest of the life with you but...I can't ignore my side character. I'm not only Light. But I'm Kira too. I need to show this world the proper direction. After all the sin will be cleared from this world, I promise you (Y/n), you'll get everything what you ask for.
That time I was forced to stop myself. I can't loose Misa this time. She is so much help in my master plan of killing L. I can't loose her at this stage. I'm sorry (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I was waiting for Light outside the examination hall. I had done my best and thanks to Light, I could solve most of the questions. I was just wondering about the result when I finally saw Light. "Hey" I waved my hand for him to notice me. For my surprise, he was with someone else. Wow, he makes friends so easily.'s L...I mean Ryuzaki which shocked me hard.
"Hey (Y/n)'s Ryuzaki, my new friend I guess."
"Umm...hello Zuzaki...I mean Ryuzaki."
"Hey (Y/n)..." he greeted me.
"(Y/n), I want to talk to Ryuzaki in personal...please excuse me." Light said while dragging Ryuzaki away.
They both were talking on some serious matter I could say. I waited there for a while. Then a limousine came and stopped near L. Wow, he's quite rich after all he's the best detective of the world. L then looked at me and waved his hand with sweet smile on his face. I snapped out of my thoughts and waved back. L left the university. But wait, what exactly the hell was he doing here? I don't think that he comes here for studying..I mean he is so much smart. More than enough. Then, what could be the reason? I was brought back to reality when someone shook me by my shoulder.
"(Y/n), can we go home now?" Light asked me with worried emotions on his face.
"Um...ya...sure." We then started walking together hand in hand.

~~~ After a week ~~~
Geez, what the hell is wrong with me? I don't feel good. After going to the university, I felt like Light was ignoring me. He was often with L and spend rest of his time with the stupid Misa. He doesn't have to time for me. Today, I had finally decided to meet Light. I was standing in front of main door of Light's house and I knocked. Again Sayu was there and greeted me with usual smile. As always I went upstairs to Light's room and I don't know why. This time my hand went straight to knob and turned opened it. The door opened and I saw Light on the floor hugging Misa tightly. I knew it. I knew that he will never love me. My sobbings attracted their attention as the tears start falling down my face. I had loved him more than myself then why? Loght looked at me with confused emotions on his face while Misa was staring at me with anger. I didn't speak any word and just ran off. I could hear Light calling me from behind but I think that it's too late. I went straight to my home and locked myself into my room. I cried for some hours and felt asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes, I realized that I wasn't in my room. That fact made me jump up. I was still on the bed and I looked around to see L.
"I' glad you're awake." he said softly.
"Why...why am I here?" I asked with scared voice.
"I brought you here. I know what happened between you and Light and you know I was....worried about you." he said scratching his head.
"Because I love you (Y/n)...." his words were unbelievable.
"That's why I joined the same university as you so that I can spend more time with seems like you didn't realise that. After all you lov-"
"I love you too." I think that was the time to move on. If Light wants Misa then he can get her. I better be happy with my new life with L.

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