Its not easy being green

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*((Jims POV))*
I just couldn't think that day, what happened last night, with the chess, it was all too much. While sitting in my captain's chair, I couldn't help but steal glances at Spock, who only spoke to me to relay information. He never made eye contact, he just stood there looking over me. I had fucked up everything.

Spock got up to leave the bridge, and I quickly ran after him, entering the elevator just in time. We stood there in silence for a good 30 seconds.

"Captain, I can not deny I know what topic you wish this conversation to pursue--"

"Oh good, becau--"

"But I must inform you that I do not wish to discuss the matter of last night further."

"Yeah well I do!" I reached across him to push a button on the control pad, causing the elevator to slow to a stop.
"You may not want to, but I do want to talk about it Spock! We need to talk about it!"

"Please Captain I--"

"No! Why do you hide like this? It's constant! I know you have feelings, I SAW THEM! So just... please... I promise I'm not going to hurt you... no one on this ship will--"



"... Jim... you have no idea how long I have worked to be where I am I can't just throw it all away because..." He stopped, I could see tears build in his eyes and felt them in mine as well.

"Go on. Say it. You can't hide from yourself."

"I'm not."

"Don't lie... please."

*((Spock's POV))*
I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to tell him I love him. I want him to hold me and never let me go. But everything I have gone through, the bullying, self harm, my father.

"I am a Vulcan."

"Your a human too. Spock, you don't have to be scared," He said, and I felt his hand which had been caressing my arm, slowly fall down to my hand.

"Jim--" but I couldn't finish my sentence, I was choking on my tears, so instead I closed the distance between us, pulling him into a kiss.

*((Jim's POV))*

I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him even closer. It was slow, but hungry, and better then I could ever have imagined.

He pushed me up against the wall and I broke apart from him.

"Spock--hold on, I need to breath," I said, our noses touching as I caressed the back of his neck. I opened my eyes for just a second and saw that he was bright green. I couldn't help but giggle to myself as I closed them again, God he's so adorable.

"Jim, we should leave this elevator, there is most likely someone who needs it for its real use."

"Yeah," I sighed and finally left his embrace to push the button that made the elevator move again.

We fixed our hair, trying to make it look like we didn't just make out, and headed back up to the bridge. Before we got off this crazy, magical, elevator with love powers, I stoped him



"I love you"

"I love you too, Ashaya."

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