Chapter Two

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His fists swung toward the nearest man and came in contact with his jaw, knocking him into a new reality. I knew how hard Sebastian could punch, but they didn't. The girl didn't either.

In a matter of just about a year, Sebastian knew how to defeat nearly anybody with just his fists. One time, he even beat up a bear, just for me. I was caught up in quite a few situations in my past.

Now, he's saving another girl, and knowing him, he'll catch her eye immediately. That's just how it goes.

"Who do you think you are?" Asked a guy, beat up and leaning against the wall. His lip was busted, so he couldn't talk right.

"I'll kill you if you don't shut your face," Seb answered him, flashing a smile, and took the girl's hand, leading her out of the corner. He led her to me. I was sitting on the opposite side of the tavern, minding my own business. I just so happened to be watching out of the corner of my eye. "Can you take her to the ship and fetch her some water?" Without question, I nodded, smiled, and turned my head toward the exit.

Quietly, I led her to the ship. She still seemed a bit surprised at what happened back there. Her face clearly expressed that she had several questions, but knowing me, I probably would just stare at her until she asked a yes or no question. I like those questions, because then I could just nod or shake my head.

"So... Is that man related to you?" She asked, once we were finally sitting down on crates by the ship. A tankard of fresh water's handle curled around her fingers. I nodded in response. "Ah. He's pretty cool! Did you see how he punched them? Like..."

She proceeded to punch the air, mimicking Sebastian's movements in the tavern. These movements were accompanied by action noises, such as "pow pow" and "whoosh".
She stopped once she noticed that I had ceased watching her. She was about to say something, but Sebastian came walking up to us, down the dock we were sitting on.
"Hey, you two," he greeted, with his award winning smile.

"Oh my gosh, hi! That was so cool how you beat them up for me!" It quickly came out of the girl's mouth.

"It was really nothing. Calm down, er... What's your name, ma'am?"

"Periwinkle China, at your service."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sebastian Salinas, and this is my sister, Karma." I gave a small wave and smile when they both looked at me.

"Oh! Nice to meet you two." She looked between us, but immediately was distracted by the ship. "Oh, that's really pretty. Did you name it?"

"My Mother's Stubbed Toe."

I snickered.

"Wait, what?"

"That's its name. 'My Mother's Stubbed Toe'."

"Oh... That's," she paused for a few seconds, probably trying to find the right word, "interesting."

"Indeed," he said as he walked toward the ship, and climbed onboard.

"Hey! Um- Do you mind if I uh-"

"Yes, you can come with us," he answered, even without knowing the question. He seemed to be right, though, because she started grinning and climbing onto the mass of floating wood. I followed, still carrying my book and quill in hand.

Later on, Sebastian had made a bed for Periwinkle. She was pleased with it, but she didn't have the liberty of thanking Sebastian repetitively. Sebastian and I had to resupply on food, so we walked to the baker's place, with Periwinkle following behind us. She was still mimicking Sebastian's earlier show in the tavern.

Upon entering, we were greeted by empty displays and a sad-looking baker sitting at a table.

"Oh. What's wrong, sir?" Sebastian asked, sitting at the table with him. Periwinkle became silent.

"My son is missing. I don't know what to do," he answered, rubbing his temples.

"Right," Sebastian said, and glanced toward me and Periwinkle, pausing. "Maybe we can look for him. Do you know what happened?"

The man's eyes lit up.

"No sir, no, but I do have this," the baker said as he pulled a stone out of his pocket, and handed it to Sebastian. Carved into it was the word "Cranwell wood".

"Whoa, did you see that?" Periwinkle asked out of the blue, looking out the shop's window. We three were staring at her. "I thought I saw something, sorry." She was so quick to apologize, but I thought I saw something too.

Sebastian looked back to the man. "We'll find your son, mister uhh..."

"Roberto," the baker answered, and smiled.

"Yes. Good day, sir," Seb said, walking out the shop, along with us.

"So, what does that stone thing mean?" Peri asked eagerly, smiling.

"We have to go to Cranwell."

"How far is that?"

"About 800 kilometers away."

"Oh, okay. Will we have enough food?"

"We'll see," he answered, and pocketed the first clue.

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