Day 1

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Izuku POV
I put the marker down on the table with a sign. I look at the time 6:00 am ugh I have to get ready for school soon. Another day of pure hell for me~! I thought sarcastically. Well I better start getting ready I can't be late if I want to get into.... oh yeah it doesn't matter anymore, I sigh.

I was making my way to school, I didn't live far away from my school maybe just a 10 minutes away by foot.
On the way there I prepared my brain for the mental abused that I was gonna indoor. Since I can't do anything about the physical pain I'll have to indoor also.
Soon I found myself in the gates of my hell hole. I take a deep breath and I continue walking toward my locker.
"Good morning you quirkless freak!" "Oh look! The failure decided to come to school today!" "I don't even know why he even tries!" Ugh of course I can't even go to my locker in peace .
I quickly open my locker, I get the stuff that I need and I put away the things I don't need. Once I was done with my locker I made my way to classroom of course not without insults being thrown at me.
I sit down in back we're I usually sat. It doesn't help that much with the insults but it helps. "Yo katsuki!" "Good morning!" I look up and of course all the fuss was about my ex best friend kacchan. He was the strongest and the most popular guy in school. Everyone loved him and wanted to be friends with him. But I hate him, yes I still admire him but... I don't know. "Hey deku you useless ass don't you have manners? Say good morning to me!" Kacchan yelled at me. Immediately fear consumed me. "G-good M-morning k-kacchan" I quietly stuttered. "Huh? I couldn't here you!" Soon the class started laughing at how pathetic I was. I know you guys don't have to remind me. "Katsuki stop and get to your sit we have to start class !" The teacher said as she walked in. I hated her she let the others pick on me all she ever does is tell them to stop and pay attention.

It was the end of the day and kacchan and his minions cornered me in the classroom. They were teasing me pushing me around but I was tooning them out. Soon I felt my notebook taken away from my grasp. That's when I started listening. "What is this?! You still make this useless books you stalker! This aren't ever gonna get you anywhere!" Katsuki and his friends taunted me. I tried to grab it but he kept pushing me back as he kept it out of my reach as he continued with the taunting. "P-please give it back!"  I stuttered as I made another attempt to grab my notebook.  Then he grinned grabbed my notebook with both of his hands and I felt a sharp sting. I knew what he was gonna do. Boom! And just like that he ruined my notebook all that time waisted. The he laughed at me and through the remains of my notebook out the window. I frantically ran to the window, my burnt notebook landed in the little pond. Soon I found myself almost about to cry but I hold it in. Your such a useless cry baby I taught as I gripped my chest. "If you want to be a hero so and how about you jump of the roof and pray you become one in your next life!" Katsuki yelled as he and his goons left the classroom, laughing. As soon as they left my eyes started to water and soon I was furiously wiping away the tears. Fuck this fuck me waiting ten days I'll take my life tomorrow.

As I laid on my bed as I taught about how I was gonna take my life tomorrow. I mean nobody wants me around anyways I'll just do what's best for everyone for me.

It was the next day I decided not to go to school. I tolled my mom that I was sick and that I need to stay home.  I grab my razor knife and I walked to the bathroom ready to end it all.

Katsuki POV

Ugh that deku didn't came to school today... was I too rough for the crybaby yesterday ? I taught with a smirk on my face. I was snapped out my taught by our teacher's fucking annoying voice. "katsuki!" I groaned I replay with a annoyed "what!?" "You know were izuku lives right? How about you go and give him his homework?" Ugh I don't want to go to that stupid deku's house. Soon I taught came to mind, I could probably fine some juicy stuff I can use against him. "Sure"

After school I made my way to Deku's house. Once I got there Mrs. Mydoriya was leaving the small house. Damm it's been so long since I last saw her I taught as I came up to her and I politely asked"hi there Mrs. Mydoriya remember me I'm Kacchan I came to give d- Izuku his homework" I kindly said with a small smile on my face. She looked surprised for a second but then a big smile grew on her face. "Oh it's been to long dear! Sure let me open the door for you! I was just about to leave to get my dear izuku medicine." Hm medicine? I wonder what's wrong with deku. Well it's not like it matters anyways. She walked over the door and she pulled out keys from her purse, She quickly un locked the door. "Izuku is in his room! You remember where it is right?" I replied with a nod."good well see you around" I snicker in my mind no this is the last time your gonna see me.  After she left I made my way to Deku's room. Damm it's been so long since I last been here I taught as I continued making my way to his room. 
I open the door revealing a kinda small room with super hero poster mostly All Might poster hanging from the walls. I grinned I pull out my phone taking pictures of his room. I can use this against him this is supper embarrassing. I congratulate my self for a job well done. Well he's not in here well I don't care my job is done I'll just leave his homework here. I put down his homework on the bed then I exit the room.
Just as I was about to leave I heard sobbing, very loud sobbing. I recognize the sobbing, it was coming from deku. I started to get a little worry I've heard deku cry but never like This.  I decided to go and see what was going on. I followed the loud sobbing soon I found myself outside the bathroom. I groaned as I quickly slam the door open. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" I screamed without getting a good look at deku. I take a look at deku and I stand there in shock. Deku was holding a bloody razor knife and there was a deep bleeding cut going a cross his wrist.  After my mind process the situation I was in I was furious. What does deku think his doing!? I quickly grab the razor knife from him."what the fuck do you thing your fucking doing!?" I screamed. "N-no! Please give it back I just want my life to end!" He cried as he got up and desperately tried to grab the razor knife. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I ask as I continued to keep the knife out his grasp. " I want it back! Please give it back!" He cried. Then I found myself feeling something in my chest and I knew exactly what it was guilt.
Soon izuku collapsed on the ground sobbing and begging for the razor knife. I stood still not knowing what to do.  I put down the knife In the sink before I got to my knees. I swallow the lump in my throat before I hesitantly wrap him in a hug.

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