[26] Scheduling and Would We's

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Jisung's POV-
"Luhan?," I called, once Areum was entirely up the staircase.

"Yeah?," he responded averting his attention from the stairs.

"Do you think you can schedule a meeting with Sehun and SooYoung? Or with Areum's parents?"

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Hyung?," Daehwi questioned, "I mean. . . the girl refuses to go by her real last name, AND to know that her siblings are her-. . . our- enemy? I'm not so sure about this. . ."

Luhan nodded in agreement, "He's got a point. When Areum is ready, I can schedule a meeting with Sehun. . . As for SooYoung and her parents. . .that'll be more difficult to set up. . . Especially for her parents."

"Why is that?," Seongwoo questioned.

"Her parents are now top business people. . . That means they're busy and they run on a tight schedule," the deer explained, "I've had co-workers schedule with them before, and right now it's what- October?- they won't get to meet with them 'till February of next year."

"Ah~. . . Yeah. . . that'll be difficult. . .," I hummed and glanced at JinYoung who caught my gaze.

"What?," he asked.

"Do you think you can. . . I don't know. . . hack into their system and arrange a time for Areum's parents to meet with her?," I 'asked' our hacker.

"I mean. . . I can. . . doesn't mean I will," JinYoung pointed out, I gave a 'really' look to the boy, "Look Hyun," he started, "Do you really think it'd be okay for Areum to meet her parents right now?  She-"

"I'm not talking about a meeting right now, I just want her to meet them sometime soon."

"Hyung, Areum has her dance competition coming up," JinYoung stated firmly, "Last time I checked, she loves dancing, and I don't want her to go through anything that could affect her performance. . . . She really wants to win, Hyung."

I stared at JinYoung in contemplation, ". . . Alright. . . We'll let her meet with them sometime after the competition. . . When is the competition?" 

"Really, Hyung?," Woojin gave me a look, "What's today?"

". . . Sunday?. . ."

"Okay now-"

"Holy mother of Kpop it's next week!!!," I exclaimed, "How could I forget?!?!  It's next Saturday right?"

"Yep," Minhyun said simply and then sighed, "And you wonder why you're not on a good foot with her. . ."

I glared at Minhyun, but he brushed it off.  "Who's Areum competing against?," Luhan asked. 

"Actually. . .," Jaehwan trailed off, "That's a good question- I don't think she's ever told us, but I'd assume it's against other high schools."

"Oh, it is Hyung," Daehwi nodded in approval, "Are school's been hyping up for it for a while now."

"And you never bothered to tell us?," Sungwoon gave Daehwi a look.  The 2nd Maknae put his arms up in defense, "I thought you'd know!. . ."

"Anyways," I sighed, "Schedule a meet for next Sunday-"

"Sunday?!," Jihoon exclaimed in disbelief, "Give the girl a break, Hyung!  She's gonna be tired, yet excited, because of the competition, and then you're just gonna let a brick wall fall on her?!"

I groaned, "Fine!. . . the Wednesday after the competition, but that's as far as I'm extending it!"

Luhan laughed, "If you say so!," he was about to leave the mansion, but he stopped in his tracks, ". . . Do you think she'd want to meet Sehun and SooYoung-shi?"

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