Chapter One

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Lani’s POV:

Yes! I finally got in! Sure it cost a lot of money and I had to wait like 14 months, but it was sooo worth it! I’m finally going on the hiking trip through Greenrow Forest! I sighed with happiness as I re-read the e-mail I got from Greenrow Hikes, the place that made news headlines for their amazing hike through Greenrow.

I’ve always loved nature but I fell in love with Greenrow Forest as soon as I read about it online. It was a beautiful forest that stretched over 200 acres of fields and mountains. Don’t even get me started on the fauna and flora! Legend goes, that Greenrow’s plants never die, not in the coldest of winters or even the worst of storms. They always seem to make it out greener and livelier than before.

This is of course, how it got its name. No one’s ever explored the whole forest, but I made a promise to myself that I will, someday… I smiled to myself as I jumped a little and started doing my happy dance. Thankfully it was summer and I had no school or homework to worry about.

I immediately started packing my bags; comfortable clothes, sun screen, some hiking gear, my sleeping bag and of course my bathroom necessities.

The best thing about this hiking trip was that it takes at least 3 days to complete, so I even get to camp! My parents are angels from heaven for letting me actually go! Greenrow Hikes had an extremely long waiting list which is why I had to wait 14 months, days counted down to a tick. But according to the interviews some hikers did for an outdoor magazine, it was totally worth it. After packing I gave my room a once over to make sure I didn’t forget anything.

A slight frown appeared on my face. The hike started tomorrow and it was now only 2pm. I groaned as I fell onto my bed. I’ve waited 14 months what is eighteen hours more, right? Another groan escaped my lips as I unlocked my phone to see if I had any messages. Nope, nadda… I’m probably the definition of forever alone. What the hell am I supposed to do for eighteen hours?!

~~The Next Morning~~

So after a lot of groans and self pitying I decided to go to a coffee shop and then straight to sleep when I arrived home. Now it was finally time for the taxi to arrive to take me on my adventure! (A/N:  “I’m going on an adventure!” The Hobbit anyone? No? ok.. I’ll leave…)

I was wearing a light pink tank top with some khaki shorts and my brown lace up hiking boots, my brown locks pulled into a quick high ponytail. I heard the taxi’s horn and I quickly grabbed my khaki button up shirt, that I’ll use as a jacket when it’s cold, and my bags before swiftly making my way out of our apartment.

We’ve been driving for what feels like hours but was only a few minutes. I lived in a city pretty close to Greenrow which was a major plus, I wouldn’t make it if I had to wait any longer than I already have. I lightly bopped my head to the music coming from my earphones as I looked out the window. There were trees and even a few deer scattered not far from the road.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air blowing from the car window before quietly singing the words of the song I was listening to. “Place a kiss on my cheekbone. Then you vanish me. I’m buried in the snow. But something tells me I’m not alone” suddenly I felt a shiver go down my spine, it felt like someone or something was watching me.
I shook my head at the silly thought as I realized we were pulling up to Greenrow Hikes’ cabin.

An instant smile appeared on my face, this is it! I climbed out of the taxi and grabbed my backpack before joining the rest of the people huddling close to one of the guides working at Greenrow Hikes. I stood on my tippy toes trying to see over the people standing in front of me. Either I’m shorter than I thought or these people were extremely tall.

Everyone started to quiet down as the guide made a motion with his hand. “Welcome everyone to Greenrow Hikes! I’m Gregory Pine and I’ll be your guide for the next three to four days” the man said smiling. “Now, before we start our trip may I remind you that there’s no signal up here, so we will give each of you a walkie talkie if someone accidentally gets separated.”

“Also, I have a few extra rations of food in case someone didn’t bring enough. Now for the rules. Rule 1: No exploring on your own, these woods are big and you WILL get lost. Rule 2: Please try and keep the pace I set for the group, if you feel tired please just tell me and we will take a short break. Rule 3: This might sound a lot like rule one but stay close together, there are dangerous animals and you might get hurt. Rule 4: Enjoy!”

Gregory said giving us another large smile and everyone erupted with cheers, me included. Some people said goodbye to their friends and family who came to see them off. I just stood there awkwardly out of place, I jumped slightly as a hand fell on my shoulder. “It’s great seeing young people like you also having an interest in nature” I turned to find Gregory smiling down at me. Man I really am short…

“It’s been a long awaited dream of mine to take part in this” I said giving him a smile back. I studied his face for a while, he had messy ginger hair and a few freckles scattered across his face. He had blue almost grayish eyes and a few scars. Probably what happens when you’re a hiking guide…

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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