[27] Competition

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Gualin's POV-

"You nervous?"  "Of course I'm nervous!  Why wouldn't I be?!," Areum lashed out at me, in, you guessed it, nervousness.  Woojin chuckled and tried to calm her down, "You don't need to be nervous," he smiled, "You're dance team will win.  I know they will." 

Jihoon rolled his eyes, "And that's coming from our main dancer."  "Seolma (No way)," Daehwi gasped, "I thought Jaehwannie Hyung was the main everything!"  Everyone in the car, who was Daniel and down in age, laughed whiles Areum looked confused.  "Huh?. . .," she tilted her head to the side as if she was a puppy, and it was adorable.  I couldn't help but chuckle and smile at her.

"Gualin?," she questioned, "You okay?"  By the time I started smiling and chuckling over Areum, everyone's laughter had died down so I probably looked odd. . .  "It's nothing," I brushed off.  Jihoon  shot me a look curiosity, and I could tell he wanted to talk to me once we arrived at the competition's location.

- - - At the Location - - -

"AREUM!!!!!," Natty yelled as we entered into the large stadium. Areum didn't have ANY TIME to react before she was taken away by her teammates to practice. "At least she's in safe hands?," Daehwi questioned as we watched Areum get dragged away. "Safe. . . I'm not so sure. . .," Woojin trailed off.

The other half of Wanna-One met up with us, and we walked around, trying to find some seats with a good view of the stage, when we found NCT. . . All of them! Even Hansol, and he LEFT the company (Me: (T_T)).

"Hey, Hyung," Jisung Park tapped on Taeyong's shoulder, and the group averted their attention to us, "It's Wanna-One!!!" "Hey. . .," Jisung, our leader, tried to smile, "I take it you're here to watch Areum's team?" "Yep," Johnny chirped, "Jaemin's been begging us to come, and it's been a while since we've seen Areum dance." "Okay. . .," Daniel didn't know what to say next.

"Alrighty!," I became 'bright,' "For today, why don't we pretend we're not enemies, and just enjoy the performances? Areum's been training her butt off for this, and it'd be selfish of us to ruin the one thing she loves with all her heart." The two groups remain silent before Taeyong started grinning, "For once, I agree with you. Let's just pretend we're idols right now, not gang members." He stuck out his hand towards Y. Jisung, and our two leaders shook hands, "Truce."

- - -

About half an hour passed and, for some reason, we actually got along. Wanna-One + NCT. . . Who would've thought?  'If you and NCT weren't gangs. . . Do you think you'd be friends?' I don't remember how she phrased it, but Areum's question suddenly rang through my mind.   My eyes scanned around our two groups mingling and some actually giving genuine laughs and smiles.   Would we?. . . If things were different. . .maybe. . .just maybe. . .we'd be friends with them. . . 

I began grinning to myself, and Chenle tapped me on the shoulder.  Oddly enough he and I are born in the same year.  "I have a question," he started, "Is Areum doing well?," he asked, and I lifted an eyebrow in question, "What do you mean?"  "Well. . .," he mumbled, then sighed, "I shouldn't be saying this, but Areum has had some. . .problems before. . .with umm. . . suicide. . .self harm. . .," he whispered quietly.  "WHAT?!?!," I whispered yelled, "When did she- how does- Why-  WHAT?!?!," I spazzed out.  How the f am I supposed to respond to this info?!?  "Okay, by your reaction, I'm just gonna guess that she's doing alright. . .," Chenle trailed off and slowly backed away from me.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed and the stage lights turned on, revealing the MC's for this event.  The representative for male dancers: Kim Yugyeom of Got7, and the representative for female dancers: Lisa of BlackPink.  Yuta whistled, "You can't deny their skills."  "Mhm," Sungwoon hummed, "Wasn't someone else supposed to-. . . Never mind. . ."  "Nice catch there," Hansol rolled his eyes, "Yeah, Seulgi Sunbae was supposed to the rep for girls, but you know. . ."  "Yeah. . .," Daniel mumbled.

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