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2D leads you through a massive hallway and up a massive flight of stairs, after ages of walking you finally get to his bedroom door. 'I'm sorry about that, m'love. The lift's broken.'
You nod, 'It's all right.'
He opens the door, oh boy, the floor was almost impossible to see. It was covered in dirty clothes, sweetie wrappers and God knows what else. He chuckles, embarrassed, 'again, I'm really sorry. It's a bit of a tip.' He admits, you nod and chuckle. You make your way to his bed and slink down. 'Comfy.'
2D hums quietly, opening his wardrobe, a huge pile of clothes fall out onto the floor. He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly and pulls out a top from the pile, tossing it at you. 'You can borrow this to sleep in,' He smiles, taking his top off. 'I'll turn around so you can get changed.'
You quickly take your clothes off and wiggle into the top, 'you can look now.'
He turns around and scans your body up and down, 'right.' He mutters, taking off his belt and pulling his trousers down. He was only in a pair of bright pink boxers. You cover up a giggle and get under the covers. He climbs in next to you, you were both facing each other.
You eventually fell asleep, but we're awoken shortly after by 2D sitting up and lighting a cigarette. You sit up too.
'Oh, sorry love, did I wake you?' He asks, grabbing an ashtray from his bedside table.
'No, no, you're fine,' you lie, reaching over him and grabbing your zippy from the floor and pulling out your packet of cigarettes and a lighter.
You spark one up and share the ashtray with him, 'you shouldn't be doing that, you know, you're too young.'
You raise an eyebrow, 'what? I'm 18, 2D, it's legal.'
He sighs, 'yeah, yeah, I know but, you're still a young girl.' You'd heard this from your Dad plenty of times.
'How old are you, D?' You kind of liked that shortened nickname. D.
He laughs quietly, '23.'
You hum in response and finish your cigarette, trying to get back to sleep. 2D fell asleep first this time, keeping you awake with his abnormally loud snoring.
You looked at his sleeping face, his mouth slightly agape and his hair all sticking out edgeways. You giggle, you hated to admit it but he looked cute.

'Night, D.' You whispered, turning around and getting in a few winks.

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