chapter 2

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‘Hey mom!’ when I took off my jacket and left my backpack at the corridor I went to the kitchen.

‘Hi sweetie.’ She kissed my forehead. She was cooking. ‘So tell me, how was your first day?’

‘Great!’ I winked at her and we both laughed.

‘Details!’ She winked back and opened the fridge to take some vegetables.

‘Teachers are fine, classmates are.. well I didn’t have much time and we all were shy a little bit. We didn’t talk much but they look friendly.’ I took some milk from the fridge.

‘Well, I hope you will find more friends. Alex is fine but admit it, she’s weird a little.’ She smirked.

‘She’s not weird, she’s just..there’s no word which would describe her.’ I nodded.

‘Or she’s simply weird.’ My mum laughed again.

‘But be sure that I will find more friends. I’m going out with a boy today. He’s older than me.’ I said it like it was normal, but my mum went mad.

‘What? Older? I’m not going to let you go out with an older guy, he might try to rape you or anything!’ She started acting really scary.

‘He’s 17 mom! The last thing 17 years old boys think about is raping someone.’ I lifted my eyebrows.

‘That’s exactly what 17 years old boys want you to think! You could get hurt!’ She yelled.

‘I promise you to take care, mum. He talked to me after school today and he was being really cute the whole time.’ I took my glass of milk and ran to my room before she had chance to say something.

‘And he’s picking me at 5 o’clock!’ I yelled when I was finally in my room.

Before I went out for a ride with OG I had to do some homeworks and houseworks too – as sweeping our terrace or vacuuming the whole house. My mum said nothing after I told her that he’s picking me up at 5pm. She probably knew that I wouldn’t listen to her anyway. When I finished all of my homeworks I had to take a shower and put on some make-up. Now I didn’t care if it was a date or not – I always wanted a boy best friend so OG could be one.

It was 4:45pm when I finally left the bathroom and finally got ready. I went downstairs to see what’s my mum doing, but she was in her workroom. She was always so busy with papers.

‘Mum I’m leaving.’ I knocked on her door and walked in.

‘OK hun, have fun.’ She never looked away from her job.

‘Where’s Eric?’ I asked her when I was leaving, when I realized I didn’t hear him screaming at TV or playing with cars.

‘Grandma picked him up at kindergarden. They went probably swimming and she’s going to bring him home in a while.’

‘Okay.Bye.’ I said last words and was about to leave when my mum again said: ‘Be careful please and call me if he tried to hurt you!’ She lifted her eyebrows and she was 100% serious. Them mothers...

When I walked out of house I saw OG standing next to his moped.

‘I’m not I?’ I checked my watch to make sure.

‘No..I’m surprised.’ He winked and then laughed.

‘I said I’m never late.’ I smiled and then took one step closer to him. I grabbed a helmet and sat behind him.

After like half an hour we stopped near  a lake. I stood up first and left the helmet on my seat. It was beautiful. Like Sun was playing with little waves on the lake and birds were singing, the wind was pleasantly blowing. That was great atmosphere.

‘How do you like it?’ He stood next to me and looked in the distance.

‘It’s..romantic a little. But I love it.’ I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at me and then went closer to the lake. ‘Does that place have like important meaning to you?’ I followed him.

‘No actually. It’s just a place. And I didn’t know where to take you, so I decided to take you here.’                                      

 ‘I like being far, far, far away from my home.’ I nodded while laughing. ‘My mum actually thought you’re a pedo or anything. Pretty awkward.’ I bite my lips.                                                                    

‘You know, if my daughter was that beautiful I would be probably worried about her too.’ We looked at each other and smiled. The only thing that was breaking the silence between us was wind, which was blowing my hair to my face. I bet I looked like witch.

‘Or maybe I’m really a pedo. You never know.’ He smirked. I started laughing and gently punched him on arm.

‘And maybe I can do kung-fu.’ I rolled my eyes and he smiled.

‘So how do you like the new school?’ he asked me when we were walking around the lake. Sometimes he threw a rock into the water.

’I don't know. It was just a first day..But people there seem to be lovely.'                                                                                    

‘Until you really get to know them.’ He nodded. ‘I hope you’re going to have great 4 years on that school.’                                                                                                                                                                    

‘You’re talking like that school is hell on the Earth, haha.’                                                                               ‘No, no.’ He shook his head and looked to ground. ‘Just people there are trying to make it like hell for you.’                                                                                                                                                                       ‘How can you know that?’ I stopped walking and looked at him. ‘I thought you’re popular and everyone loves you. And cheerleaders are licking your feet – literally, haha.’ 

 ‘I’m not popular at all.’ He laughed. ‘I’m the one who always looks down and I’m not a magnet for girls. I’m totally normal. I may seem like popular guy, but I used to be nothing. Just some idiots left the school and I reached more respect from others. That’s all.’  He had smile on his lips the whole time.    

‘What do you mean? Like they used to be rude?’ I asked him and continued walking.

‘I used to be bullied and you know, we all are going through stuffs while we’re growing.’ 

‘I would never say you were the bullied one? Actually I thought you have bet with someone that you’re gonna get me. Like you know, popular people do that.’ I started blushing a little. 

 ‘But I repeat that I’m not popular, so don’t worry.’ He smiled and wrapped his hand around my arms. Cute.

‘I want to make your first year better than mine was.’ He smiled again. ‘You look cute but you look so shy and not confident at all.’ 

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