Chapter 1

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"Can someone please tell me why we had to move from our home town to this place. I mean I loved living in California, everyone was so nice there, and I had lots of friends. Now I have to live in a new place where I don't know anyone, and I don't know anything about Maine." My dad had explained to me several times about how his family had lived there which I don't know why we suddenly have to live here now. I had so many friends in California and I knew I was going to miss them a lot.

My name is Jennifer Colmillo, I'm your everyday 17 year old who is moving from California to Maine. Nothing much to know about me. My dad says he's making us move because of "reasons" but I'm sure he's hiding something, I just know it.

We arrived at the house and I unloaded my boxes. Hopefully my room wasn't too bad. I swear if there was a dead animal or something in my room I'm going to freak out. When I got to my room I opened the door. It was a decent sized room. I opened another door inside of my room to reveal a bathroom which had a bathtub, sink, and even a separate shower. The bathroom was actually pretty nice compared to my old bathroom inside of my bedroom. Maybe moving into a new house in a new state wasn't that bad, or was it.

I fell asleep on my bed after hours of tossing and turning. I had my first day of high school tomorrow. What if nobody liked me, what if they thought I was a weirdo, what if I embarrassed myself on my first day, what if I tripped over something. No that's not going to happen, get ahold of yourself Jennifer. As I started to fall asleep I heard a howl of I think a wolf. Weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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