Chapter Three

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I slowly opened my eyes to see a blinding white light in my face and a man with a furrowed brow looking at me. I tried to speak, only to realize I had a piece of cloth around my mouth and my limbs tied to a chair. He laughed at my resistance and called someone over. A handsome tall dark haired man with amber eyes walked over, his features stunningly beautiful. He bent down to my level, a grin slowly spreading over his face.

            “So, you’re Niall’s new whore. It’s a shame you stepped in that bullet for him, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.”His words jogged my memory as I craned my neck to look at my shoulder, only to see white bandages around it, my dress ripped. He chuckled softly at my reaction, his hands turning my face back towards his.

            “Don’t worry, you’ll live. For now.” He brushed his hand across my cheek, his touch more gentle than Niall’s as my breathing calmed. He smiled, looking at my taped mouth as his fingers traced down my collar bone. They stopped at the tattoo on my chest, his eyes glazing over my chest as I took small breaths. Suddenly he stood up and motioned over to his partner.

            “Send the word out.” The other one made a short phone call meanwhile the handsome man kept his eyes on me, my own looking down in fear. He crossed his arms and laughed as a phone rang, my head jerking up at the abrupt noise.

            “Hello?” He answered, almost falling over from laughing.

            “What the fuck do you want, Zayn.” Niall’s harsh and irritated tone came on the line as Zayn sauntered over to me. He bent down in front of me, as I locked eyes with him.

            “I would choose your words wisely, Horan. Otherwise you’re about to lose another woman in your life.” Zayn spoke loudly but gentle, his tone further irritating Niall.

            “She doesn’t mean anything to me, go ahead and kill her.” I lost my breath as Niall spoke, my heart beginning to pound. Zayn laughed mockingly before answering Niall.

            “I can tell you already fucked her, she smells like sex. I’ll tell you what I’ll do better than kill her, I’m going to keep her. I’m going to show her what a real man fucks like and make her mine. Something you could never do.” My eyes widened as Zayn rested his hand on my thigh, his smile wide.

            “In fact I could fuck her right now and make you listen to her scream.” There was silence from the other end, and then a dial tone, indicating that Niall had hung up. Zayn laughed, his eyes lighting up and his teeth showing. He scooted closer to me, sitting between my knees.

            “What do you say to that, sweetie? Having me fuck you right now?” I shook my head at him, my breathing becoming more rapid as he continue to grin at me. He leaned in despite my answer, and slowly removed the cloth around my mouth. Sighing, he wrapped his arms around me, his face inches from mine.

            “You’re going to regret saying no to me.” He breathed, leaning in only to be interrupted by his partner running towards the door. He turned around to see Niall walk in with three other men. His expression showed annoyance more than anger as he walked over to us.

            “So you do care about her.” Zayn remarked, standing up and motioning for backup. Five men came out from under the shadows behind us, but Niall’s face didn’t falter as he kept his eyes on me. Zayn stood in front of me, blocking my view as Niall rolled up the sleeves of his jacket.

            “Not really. I just know that you won’t ever fuck her like I have, and I won’t let you and diamonds take any more of my women.” Niall hissed. Zayn laughed and cocked his head as the men behind us walked forward to take on their adversaries. I closed my eyes as Niall threw a punch and scuffling went about. After a few minutes there was silence, and I opened my eyes to see Niall being held back by two of the men. I looked up as Zayn was laughing, an evil spark in his eyes.

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