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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

POV: February
I moved in a week ago I really dont know any one expect the lady that runs the dance studio. I found it on a walk around town. I keep getting looks when I walk around but I really don't care. "Mom I am going to go to the studio right now" I said while running down the stairs and hoping into my car. I pulled up. I walked in. "Hey miss Avery " " oh hey sweetie. I am so sory I forgot to tell you put I am having a party today" "may I ask why" "oh honey it's Halloween we're throwing a big party and all of the dancers will perform a Dance I would love it if you could dance to" "oh I would love to. I forgot about Halloween. Well I will go get ready and I will be here by...." " oh 8:45" " ok well I have to go to the store to get some close then" "ok bye darlen" I drove 30-45 minutes to find the store doll kill and I bought some stuff. I drove home and i parked my car and got out and graves the bag. When I look over at our neighbors house I shall five boys In there bathing suits running around squirting each other. The blond one was trying to squirt the small boy with rosy cheeks and missed. They were laughing at each other Hterically. I just keep walking. I had to walk pass them to get are mail so I decided to do while they were not looking. Once they were done laughing they all went to restock there guns. So I took the chance and started to walk to get the mail I got there I grabbed the mail sorted it out and throw away the mail that we did not need and I started to walk back. The little boy stared to shot towards me. The last shot he got me "what the fuck" I yell. They all looked at me with shock faces. I just walked away I hear them yell after me but I keep walking. Right when I was about to open the door I over hear "Zach what the hack" " sorry jack" "its fine. But guys look at her wip" and a hole lot of dams. "Guys did you see what bag she was holding" "no nore do we care. Come on let's go get...." I walked away after that. "Mom I am going to a party at that dance place" "ok honey. Remember are only rule. Make sure he has........" "mom stop I know" I cover my face. "Ok just to make sure to know. Now go get ready it's six" "ok mom" I walk up stairs. I undress and hop in the shower and start to sing 🎶 backacount by 21 savage 🎶 after ten minutes I finished all of that lady stuff I got out of the shower. I up my hair in to two Dutch braids. I walk out and put on my close and do my make up

 I walk out and put on my close and do my make up

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Once I was done it was 9. Shit. I got a call from miss Avery . "Hi" "were are you" "I am I. The car right now " it was a lie she was running down the stairs. "Ok well I will have the live performance go first and then when you come you will dance right away ok" "ok" she was pulling out of the drive way. She drove 5 minutes. When she got there was no parking. So she parked a couple of blocks away. When she parked she got out right away and started to run as fast as she could in heels. She got there and ran in she shall miss Avery. "Sorry I am late but I am ready. They song is birthday sex ok. I have to go get ready but ok." Miss Avery was shocked but said ok. I ran to the back to get ready. The music started to play and I started to dance.
(You can skip when she dances with the group.)

When I was done I dusted of my shoes and started to walk.......

700 words
The rest of the book has age restrictions so yea. I love y'all

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