Chapter Two: Returning home

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Dianas P.O.V

My jaw dropped before I slowly shook my head, glaring at him.

This couldnt be true.

", you're toying with me. Ares had only one child who was killed by Hippolytes a long time ago.

"Or so you thought." He said while lowering his arms. "He has another son named Kratos who is now the new God of War. And he's coming for you soon Diana."

I watched him before pulling out my lasso and tying it around him. I had to know if this was true. If not I would break him in half.

"The lasso compels you to speak the truth. Now say that again."

The lasso glowed before he looked up at me.

"Ares had another child by the goddess Aphrodites named Kratos who became the new God of War. He wants revenge for his fathers death and swore to either kill you or turn you into his personal slave."

"And how do you know this?"

"I'm friends with Hermes, he tells me things like this from time to time."

I watched him closely, his features remaining calm.

He's telling the truth. Well isn't this just wonderful?

I pulled the lasso off him and put it back on my side, turning and walking away.

"Wait, Diana! Where are you going?" I didn't slow down as I heard him running after me.

"To Thymiscyra. If Kratos is anything like Ares then he will try and hurt me by hurting the ones I love. I have to warn the Amazons of the danger before it's to late."

With some luck I could get there before nightfall and be back here.

"I'm coming with you. And don't even try to say no, I won't take that as an answer."

I growled and rubbed a hand over my face before looking at him.

"Fine. But if you plan on staying you'll do what I say when I say it. Understand?"

He nodded, smiling lightly.

"I wouldn't have it any other way Diana."


"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we-"

"Spawn I swear to Hera if you don't SHUT UP I WILL THROW YOU OUT!"

He hadn't shut his mouth since we left for Thymiscyra in my invisible jet. I don't know what had gotten into me to agree in bringing him, I should have said no and left his butt th-


I jumped as Spawn yelled suddenly, making me jerk on the steering and the jet to veer sharply to the right. I cursed and quickly righted it.


He started laughing, holding his sides before waving his hand.

"I-I'm sorry! I couldn't stop myself!"

Alright that's it.

Spawn's P.O.V

I was dying laughing before I felt something wrap around my neck, making me look down to see her lasso tied around my neck. It tightened before starting to glow.

"Tell me your most embarrassing secret."

I felt warmth spreading through me starting from my neck and I couldn't stop before the words spilt out of my mouth.

"I secretly had a crush on you from the moment I saw you about three weeks ago fighting some cheetah girl. The way you faught was so powerful and sexy, I dreamed and fantasized about you every day."


She didn't say anything for a bit before taking the lasso off me, putting it back on her side.

"You...aren't mad or anything right Diana?"

I leaned forwards in my seat, watching her expression.

"We're here."

The jet nose dived suddenly, throwing me back in the seat. Shiiit, she was probably furious with me. I stayed completely silent as we went through some kind of force field and an island appeared.

"Holy shit..." I whispered as my eyes widened. I wasn't one for sight-seeing but this place was beautiful. I pressed my face against the glass, taking in the scenery before the jet landed in a clearing next to a palace looking place with a few Amazon guards standing in front of it.

"Come on, Queen Hippolytes is inside."

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