Chapter 3

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Casey's POV


"Hey mom, I think I'll come to karate today," I said casually. But, in response I got my mom and Cooper turn around and look shocked. "Um, okay sweetie," my mom replied hesitantly. A few minutes later my heart was racing as we drove to karate. "So Casey, where were you yesterday? You went to the bathroom and then never came back," my mom asked. "Oh yeah, I met this kid. We started talking and then I lost track of time. Sorry!" I replied. I looked out the window and realized that we were almost there.

"Hey Casey, how's your boyfriendddd?!" Cooper teased as we walked in. I stuck my tongue out and laughed. Cooper walked over to a room to get changed while I walked over to the room that Ethan had showed me the day before. Just then my phone buzzed. The message was from my best friend Jason, who also did karate but I didn't know where. The message said "I C U". Huh? I looked around and couldn't see him. I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to the door. I pushed the door open slightly, looked in, and couldn't believe my eyes.

Standing in the room was two figures: Jason and Ethan. "Jason?!?!?!" I exclaimed, walking into the room. They looked up and Jason ran over and gave me a hug. "What are you doing here, Casey?" asked Jason. "I was going to ask you the same thing! Cooper goes here now so I decided to come. Your turn!" I said laughing. "This is the karate place I was telling you about. This is Ethan by the way," he explained. "Oh, we've met," said Ethan smirking. We both laughed while Jason looked completely confused. So, I explained how we met yesterday and stuff. "Ah, I see," Jason said in repsonse. Then Jason's phone buzzed. "Oops, that's my mom. I have to go. See ya, Ethan! Talk to you later Casey," he said as he walked over and hugged me goodbye. And soon we were alone.

*************Picture of Jason-------------->

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