Chapter 1

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The day was going along as a normal one. All the Toads were walking around, talking about their quiet and simple lives. Princess Peach ruling over the peaceful kingdom. Toadsworth worrying about the princess at times.

But most important, Mario and Luigi. Nothing too exciting was going on today, which for them was a blessing. They decided to just stay at home, watch some tv, something along those lines.

It was getting into the afternoon when Luigi decides to speak. "Hey Mario, isn't it kinda of weird nothing has happened today?"

"Hm, now that I think about it, yea, it is." Mario replied. "Do you think we should check on the castle?"

"Sounds like a good idea."

The two brothers got up and went to open the door, but at that moment, the door swung open to a Toad that looked out of breath.

"Haah...huff...finally made it....Mario and have been invited to see the Bean Bean prince arrive in the Mushroom Kingdom for a visit!"

"Bean Bean...prince?" Luigi quietly asked. A person like that sounded...familiar to him.

"Yea, who is that?" Mario followed.

"It's the prince of the Bean Bean Kingdom obviously! I think you met him when you went there to save Princess Peach's voice from....Cake-something? Either way, you guys are welcome to come see him arrive!"

"Yea, that does sound like a good idea, but I'm not too sure...."

"I think it sounds great!"

"Hm, well if you want to go, then so do I."

"Alright guys, then come to the castle in a few minutes! He'll be arriving soon!" The Toad said as he ran off once more.

The two brothers got ready and started making their way to the castle. While Mario didn't exactly want to go all that much, Luigi, on the other hand, was excited to see the prince. His mind was racing with questions about him, such as 'I wonder if he still remembers us?' and 'How is he doing after all this time?'. As they arrived, they were greeted by Princess Peach and-

"Starlow?" Mario asked the star sprite.

"Yep, hello yellow! I wanted to see this prince of the neighboring kingdom myself, since I heard about him." Starlow responded.

"Isn't it nice to see him again Luigi?" The princess asked.

"Huh? What is that supposed to mean?" The princess only giggled in return, leaving the taller bro puzzled.

Soon, a green figure riding what seemed to be some sort or winged...pillow(?) made his way to the castle door, which was quickly opened by the Toads outside, allowing the person inside. The tunic wearing, blonde haired bean made his way to the group standing in the castle.

"It's a pleasure to see you here, Prince Peasley! Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom." Peach said to him.

Wait...Peasley? Luigi thought, and he looked up. His face went a light shade of pink.

So that's why he cared so much.

Because he loved him.

(O frick frack tallywak! Why am I writing this? idfk. Anyway, Luisley is my OTP because it is too cute and AAAAAAA *ahem* I haven't really written anything like this so I hope its decent enough...probably isnt though. Uuuuuh that's all.)

A Beanish Visit (Luisley Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now