New Years - Millie🌹

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{Quick key code for this book. Titles that have "🌹" are for Millie and titles that have "🌸" are for Eleven. Requests are open if you want to make one please dm me,xo.}

(Oh and you guys are 15 in this)

//Your Pov//

For New Years Eve your best friend and crush Millie was having a party. You didn't really want to go but she gave you no choice.

The party started in two hours, but you and Sadie went to Millie's house to help her set up.

"So Millie," Sadie started as you were all hanging up decorations, "you got some one to have your New Years kiss with?" Sadie said and winked at you.

Sadie knew you've like Millie for a while, in fact most of the cast did. They all wanted you two to get together, and some of them even agreed to play Cupid, Sadie was one of them.

"Nope!" She said popping the "p" never turning away from the "2018" banner she was finishing hanging.

She stepped down from the step ladder she was on and leaned against the wall. "But there is someone I'm hoping to have it with." She said and you instantly felt your heart shatter.

"What about you Y/N? You got anyone special you wanna lock lips with tonight?" Sadie asked you and you secretly flipped her off.

"What a wonderful way of putting it Sades." You sarcastically remarked and she just smiled at you.

"Yeah Y/N, is there a special some one you wanna start the New Year off with?" She said with her beautiful British accent that could kill you.

"Well there is this one girl." You said as Millie already knew you liked girls, she just doesn't know you like her.

//Millie's Pov//

"Well there is this one girl." Y/N said which made me jealous. I've liked Y/N for the longest time but, there's no way she could like me.

"Oh...that's cool." I said and forced a fake smile onto my face. It's probably Sadie, or maybe it's Sophia. Maybe she has a thing for red heads?

"Is she pretty?" I asked genuinely wanting to know more about this person my crush wants to kiss.

"She's absolutely beautiful." She said and smiled, it hurt me a little but her smile made me melt.

Y/N always had that affect on me, especially her smile, it was beautiful to me.

"Who is it?" Sadie asked her and Y/N shot her a look. Me being curious also wanted to know, "Yeah Y/N/N, who is it?"

She looked at me, then at Sadie, then turned away and avoided our question. "We should probably finish decorating, the party will start soon." She said and smiled.

I sighed, knowing I'll never figure out who she wants to kiss when the clock strikes midnight.

{*Time Skip cause I'm untalented*}

//3rd person Pov//

People started arriving and before the girls knew it they were all split up.

Y/N was hanging out with the IT cast, Millie was with the ST cast, and Sadie was talking to a few people that the other girls didn't know.

The closer it got to midnight the more Millie was thinking about who Y/N wanted to kiss, and so was Y/N.

"Finn? Do you know who Millie wants to kiss at midnight?" Y/N questioned the boy who was talking to the same group as she was.

The boy smirked and walked away, leaving Y/N curious as hell. 'What is that boy hiding?' She thought to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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