Welcome! Pt 1

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Shuichi looked all around the classroom of his new school. He saw 15 other students wearing unique outfits and from what he can see and hear colorful personalities. He just felt like he doesn't belong here or even attend this school. He was so lost in thought until a classmate approached him.

“Hello, I'm sorry but you look so lonely and uncomfortable that I thought I should introduce myself so you're not alone.”

The girl smile making Shuichi relax a bit as she introduced herself. “My name is Kaede Akamatsu. I'm the Ultimate Pianist. Nice to meet you!” Kaede had a huge smile making Shuichi blush a bit. He can tell she's has a positive and nice attitude. Kaede looked at Shuichi. “Okay now your turn.” Shuichi was a bit nervous since he's not a people person and can get shy when talking to new people. But it would be rude not to since Kaede introduced herself so he should at least try.

“I'm...Shuichi Saihara. I'm…the Ultimate Detective.”

Kaede was amazed. “Oh you're a detective? That's so cool!” Shuichi lowered his hat out of embarrassment. “W-well actually… I don't have the credentials to call myself a detective yet. I just… Happened to solve a case that I came across and… now people call me that.” Kaede looked at him. “So? Not many people can “just happen” to solve a case. You should be more proud of that.” Shuichi thought about it and gave a small smile to Kaede. “I'll try to.”

The two went on talking until the teacher showed up. Shuichi learned about how Kaede was playing the piano since she was practically a baby earning the nickname Piano Freak. “I don't think you're a freak. You're just passionate that's all.” Kaede smile then remembered something.

“Hey if you're a detective than why are you here?”

“What do you mean?”

“Huh you don't know? This place is the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, it's Hope's Peak Academy other school for troublemakers. So even troublemakers can still be taught under Hope's Peak. I'm here by accident since I guess the headmaster accidently place me here, so I'm just going along for now.”

“What?! Academy for Gifted Juveniles? I thought this was Hope’s Peak Academy. Why am I here?”

Shuichi was puzzled on why he's in a school for delinquents, he got an invitation to attend Hope's Peak not a delinquent school. Kaede saw Shuichi was deep in thought and offer a suggestion. “Hey maybe it's a mistake too like me. I'll bet the headmaster will fix it soon.” Shuichi gave a nervous smile. “Yeah I guess so…”

Kaede then saw the clock on the wall and saw it's been close to 30 minutes and the teacher haven't even showed up yet.

What the heck is going on?

“Hey Shuichi do you know who our teacher is? I haven't even seen them yet and it's been 30 minutes since class started.”

Shuichi just noticed it too, when his uncle dropped him off he taught it was weird that a teacher wasn't here to welcome them. Now they're in the classroom the teacher's desk is empty, there's nothing on it like it's never been touched.

“Yeah now that you mention it I too didn't see the teacher… Perhaps they're late?” Before more ideas can be discussed the class heard the sound of a motorcycle getting louder by the second.

“Is that a motorcycle?”

“What it can't be, I haven't seen anyone else everyone's in class.”

“Maybe it's a late student.”

Suddenly the window beside the teacher's desk shatter into pieces as a person in a motorcycle went through the window, they landed on the desk with the bike. The desk creaked and crackled under the weight of the bike and the rider, the desk slid across the classroom a bit until reaching the middle. Everyone was shocked by the sudden intruder and action they backed away from the person. Some were in a pose ready to fight the intruder until the stranger suddenly the man turn to the class and started yelling frightening the kids. He then pulled out a small red bottle and yelled so loud despite having his helmet on making some students scream.

Welcome to the Academy (DanganRonpa V3 x Male Teacher Reader)Where stories live. Discover now