Chapter X: I Can't Lose Him

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I woke up in the middle of the evening only to find Tai right next to me. The sheets were the main covers I had on my bare body. I grabbed the robe just beside the bed and went to the bathroom.

Once I got dressed,I tiptoed my way to the door. "Hey." The sudden voice made me jump. I turned my head towards the bed only to find Tai already awake. "Morning." He added. "Morning." I replied, making my way to the bed. I sat down just beside him.

"Where you going?"

"I was gonna go downstairs. And I was trying to go, not waking you up." I chuckled.

"Well, you didn't. I was gonna wake up anyway." I did nothing but smile. But that smile vanished once I heard my scroll. I answered it.

"Hello?" I wondered. "R-Raven?" The voice of my brother seemed to be trembling.


"Raven, listen to me very carefully. I need you to take note of what I'm saying right now. Okay?"

"Okay." I grabbed a paper and a pen.

"Is anyone else with you there?"

"Tai's with me." I replied, making my husband sit up. "What's wrong?" He asked. "It's Qrow. He seems off." I replied.

"Raven, are you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"I need you to put me on speaker so that Tai can hear me, okay?" I did as he ordered.

"You're on speaker."

"Good. I need you to take note of every important detail of what I'm going to say."

"Qrow, what's going on?"

"Someone's here at our place. I told Robin to get him and Ruby there. It might take a while. Summer's at Vale. Tell her to go straight to your place. Someone's going to take me. And I'm not sure who it is. I need you to take down these numbers okay."


"19 1 12 5 13 ' 19 18 5 1 12 13 9 19 13 9 19 9 14 13 9 19 20 18 1 12. Got that?"


"Okay. Good. (HEY!! THERE HE IS!). I have to go, baby girl."

"Qrow?" I started to cry but tried to dismiss it. My voice was shaking while I talked to my brother. Tai came closer to me and hugged me. He tried comforting me.

"Raven, I need you to be strong, okay. I need you to stay calm and do what you think is right. Okay?"

"Okay." I said, already crying.

"Okay. Good girl. I have to go, okay. I love you." He hung up. I couldn't help but cry.

Another family member is going to die and this time, it's someone I really love very much. My family is falling apart. My father abandoned me when I was 3. I barely know my mother. I lost my oldest adoptive brother when I was 12. I lost my second adoptive brother when I was 23. I lost my adoptive father the time I turned 28. And now I'm losing someone who is very dear to me. I'm not gonna let my only brother and last member family die. Not on my watch.

I was crying already. Tai drew me closer to him and hugged me. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay." He kept on chanting. "Go back to sleep, okay. I'll look after you. I'll be with you until you go to sleep." He said as I lied down and sobbed myself to sleep.

I can't lose my brother. I love him.

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