That Fangirl Moment....

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• When you're out in public and a One Direction song comes on the radio and you dance around and sing in the aisles not caring who sees.

•When you're at the mall and you see their perfume on display and you spray it all over yourself because no one passes up free spritzes of Our/That Moment.

• When you see someone with a British/Irish accent and your first instinct is to ask them if they know the boys.

•When given the choice of sides at a restaurant you always pick carrots or potatoes.

•When you're flipping through the telly channels and you see that football (soccer) is on so you decide to watch it just because the boys watch that sport.

•When you always say "Vas Happenin?" instead of "What's Up?"

•Whenever you see a spoon you think of Liam and laugh a little and everyone looks at you like you're crazy because you're pretty much smiling at a spoon.

•When you feel honored because someone that has met the boys follows you back on twitter, tumblr etc.

•When you take your phone and earphones into the bathroom during school because the boys just did an interview and you can't live without watching it right away.

•When you cry because you think to yourself "What if Zayn hadn't gotten out of bed for his audition?" Or "What if Harry or Niall would have gotten one more 'no'?" (A/N: The struggle is real.)

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