(Chapter 11)

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I was consciously scared in my sleep. I was terrified that I wasn't going to wake up again. But when I woke up, I was still confused.

Did I wake up the next morning, or did I wake up days later like the last time?

There was Camden curled up in a little adorable ball. But what made it like, two times cuter was that he was both curling up next to Harry, and Harry was looking like he was protecting and keeping Camden warm. Plus, the fact that Camden was sucking his thumb.

I wonder if he knows how much germs that he is actually transmitting at this moment. He'll probably freak out for weeks if he found out.

wouldn't want that to happen, huh?

I couldn't stop thinking about the song Camden sung to us last night. Or I think it was last night, im still not sure with things.

The both of them was sleep, and I was starting to get a little hungry. Little? I mean really hungry...

"Ugh, that means that you gotta get up..." Saus a voice that sounds like a little girl.

"Who are you?" I ask. It was as if the voice was everywere.


"Yeah, you..." I answer, finding this kind of stupid.

"Im Clementine." Says she.

Hasn't Harry tell me about her? She was the one that Harry saved. I look at Harry's arm, and I could still see some blood, dried blood. I guess that the bleeding has stopped and now the healing proccess is kicking in.

"Those dreams..." Says she.

"Yeah, how do you know the concept of them?"

"Well," she pulls out her hand in the tent, "why don't you come outside-you know- away from the tent?"

"OK?" I say, as I try my best to climb out of the tent without waking the two up. Especially since that is one cute position that I want to last forever. Once I had got out of the tent, I had taken in her features.

She had two puffy pigtails, pretty light brown eyes, and the prettiest tan i've ever seen. Well it's either that, or she's African American. But to be honest...she's really cute! why would a guy want to hurt such a cute little girl?

"Beats me, in a way" Says she. "Before you ask, yes I heard that from inside your brain."

I was in awe. So Harry was telling the truth this whole time? I feel bad for not believing him.

"Well, hello there?"

"Hello" she says. "I know about those dreams, because i've had them too" She answers so suddenly and changed the subject in a way.

"You have?" I asked.

"Yeah, you need to tell them. You have to" She urged. "I-I kind of like that Harry boy, and Camden? he's so darn cute!" She explains.

For some odd reason, this made me smile. She looks so awkward, like she's confessing something. But she kind of is, in an odd way...

"I will, but how can I tell them? I can't say, 'Oh! I had a dream about you guys, and it was bad!' Yeah...that doesn't sound too good." I blurt out, kind of ranting a bit.

"Well...that does sound weird..." Confesses Clementine. "But..." She starts, "But, maybe i can also tell them with you. Harry knows that I'm psychic and he'll probably think that im a superhero returning a favor, and im going to save him...with butterflies and cats" She rants.

I laugh a little, knowing that both Harry and Camden would do just exactly that.

"Yeah..." I say, "Ha, that's exactly what they would think about! how did you know?" Clementine gave me that look, like 'are you really this dumb?'. Then it hit me. Literally, something hit me.

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