Love on the High Seas- Chapter Three

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So, here it is chapter three:) Comment and tell me what you thing, it would mean a lot to me! Well, here ya go! Remember comment!!

Chapter Three

While I stood there and had my own little internal battle, I didn't notice that my "dream boy" had returned, but this time he wasn't alone. Leading the way was a short pudgy man. He was wearing a red coat that almost dragged the deck it was so long. To me it almost seemed cliché and reminded me of captain hook from Peter Pan. "Dream Boy" was walking behind the man to the right. The phrase right hand man came to mind.

All the thoughts that were running through my mind calmed to one single thought. 'Wow, how hot can one guy get?' Hey, I'm a teenage girl...of course that's my main thought. Oh and not for the pudgy guy of course for "dream boy". As they got closer, I could feel my heartbeat accelerate and my breaths become shallow. They continued forward until they were both standing in front of me. The pudgy man had a slight smile and looked as if he so wanted to laugh.

"I see you've finally woken. I'm sure you are quite confused, and in time my dear I will explain everything personally. For now, I think introductions are in order. My name is Captain Charles Whitlock, but you dear may call me Charles. I think you've already met my right hand man....," Ha I so knew it. "Luke Sorenson," the captain finished off with a hand motion towards the now known 'Luke'.

Once his name was said my eyes drifted from the captain to Luke. He stood there with his hands behind his back looking around the deck, but once the captain said his name his eyes landed on mine. I wasn't too close to him but even so I could tell that his eyes were a deep green. 'Just like in your dreams' said my subconscious voice.

The captain started talking once more but I could barely hear what he was saying. I was too busy staring at Luke to notice really anything. And Luke was staring right back at me. He didn't seem to be the same person who had scowled at me earlier. Now, he was looking at me with what looked like wonder, but I can't be sure. I know I was looking at him that way, though. It was still hard for me to believe that the same boy, man really, from my dreams was standing right here in front of me.

I faintly heard someone talking outside of my own little world.

"Luke you can share a cabin with her while we get the old store room repaired."

This seemed to snap both Luke and I out of our thoughts, because at once we both snapped our heads in the direction of the captain. He stood there looking between the two of us, smiling. I lost focus for a second and thought, 'wow for a pirate this guy sure does smile a lot', but soon my thoughts returned to this time when I heard Luke's voice.

"Captain, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but why does she have to stay with me?" He said the she and me with utter disgust and nodded his head in my direction when referring to me. At first I was just shocked, but then I was angry. Who was this guy to kidnap me (well technically it was James) and then speak of me as if I'm not there in a hateful manner? He doesn't even know me but yet he acts as if I have some sort of disease.

I folded my arms across my chest and looked at him through narrowed eyes. Well, he's not the only one who can be hateful. I spent my whole life dealing with my mother and not able to state my opinion, but I as sure as heck can do it now.

As Luke continued on about how it would be wrong for me to stay with him when Scarlet (whoever she is) has more than enough room for me to bunk with her, I decided it would be better if he just stopped talking then; so I cut him off.

"Charles I think Luke here is right," I motioned towards him, who now had a look of astonishment at me speaking or maybe it was for me cutting him off? "I'm an innocent seventeen year old and I don't want that to change. So, if I'm staying with a stranger, how could I be sure that I am to stay that way?"

I put everything I had into that short little spill. I even had the whole sad, innocent little girl look down pat. I chanced a look at Luke. He looked furious. Well, really he should be. I basically just said that he might rape me. For a split second I felt remorse but then I thought about the way he's acted towards me and anger covered any amount of guilt I had felt. I smirked and if possible Luke looked even angrier. He then knew that I was completely putting on.

I looked back at the captain, switching from smirk to an 'I'm worried' look.

He was looking out at the ocean. I wonder if he's actually buying it? Hopefully he is, because I do not want to share a room with Luke. Do I? No definitely not. He's a jerk that is rude, mean, with intense green eyes, golden brown hair that looks like he just woke up, a v-line body........wait what am I doing? I don't think any of those things. He's completely not my type.

I drifted off in my own thoughts, but came back when I heard someone clear their throat. I came back to the present and realized I had been looking at Luke the entire time I had been dreaming, and he was the one who cleared his throat. Dang, it must have looked like I was checking him out, when the whole time I wasn't really seeing anything. I hope the captain didn't notice. It would completely contradict my little act I just displayed.

Luke was now looking at me; at least he didn't look that mad anymore.

"Hmm," started the captain, "you do make a good point Miss Rosalyn, and you are our guest here, so we should try to make you as comfortable as possible. I'm sure our other lady on board, Scarlet would love to have a roommate."

I let out a breath I had been holding. Now I don't have to share a room with Luke.

All my happiness soon faded when I heard Luke speak though. "Captain, now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind having a roommate for a little while. I'd be happy to make Miss Rosalyn here as comfortable as possible during her stay here. And, you know she doesn't have to worry one bit about her innocence while bunking with me." He finished with a small smile. At first I thought he was trying to make up for everything he's said about me, but when he turned towards me and I saw the sly smirk form on his face, my stomach dropped.

Oh my gosh, what did I do. I'm sure if the captain actually allows this then Luke's sure to get me back for the whole innocence bit. With wide eyes and a pale face I turned back to see how the captain was taking Luke's sudden change in heart.

The captain was now grinning ear to ear and slightly laughing. "Oh I know that Luke my boy. You would never hurt our little lady here. Rosalyn my dear, Luke here would never do anything to cause you any harm. He's my most trusted man on board this ship, and would make sure you are safe no matter what and comfortable," I saw Luke roll his eyes when the captain said comfortable, "while you're here. In fact, I'm sure it's safer for you to room with him. So, now that you know all this, are you still unsure about staying with him?"

"Umm....," I didn't know what to say. I couldn't just say no that easily could I? I mean the captain just praised him to no end and then for me to refuse to stay with him, that would look suspicious. But, on the other hand, if I did stay with him, Luke could so easily get me back for my earlier act. Both men were looking at me with raised eyes. "I okay?" It sounded more like a question than anything else.

"Great! Then it's settled, Luke go on and show her to your room and then introduce her to Scarlet. She's sure to be happy another woman is on board," with this last statement the captain gave a short laugh and walked off, leaving me standing there with Luke....alone.

I turned slowly to face him. He wasn't smiling, just looking at me. He took one step towards me, his expression still nothing. I had to now look up at him. The difference in our heights was extremely noticeable. My heart was beating like crazy, I was sure he could hear it.

Luke looked into my eyes, searching for something it seemed. I just stared back into his eyes. Then, without so much as a warning, his eyes hardened and he turned so now I was looking at his back.

Over his shoulder he called out, "Follow me."

I just stared at his retreating figure for a second more before I realized I was still on board a ship full of pirates and it probably wasn't a good idea to be alone. So, I quickly followed after Luke, nervous as I've ever been. Who knows what was going to happen in the next few days?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2010 ⏰

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