13. facing the consequences.

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Telling Michael goodbye was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

It was even worse as I watched him jog across the yard and back over to his family, where he blew me a kiss and gave me a small wave goodbye before hopping in his car.

I watched as he drove down the street, following behind Joseph's car until he finally disappeared, where I couldn't see him anymore.

I sadly trudged up the stairs and headed straight for my bedroom, where I lied on my bed and turned over on my stomach to bury my face in my arms and cry my heart out.

It's going to be hard getting used to not seeing Michael on a regular basis.

...and it doesn't help with what I've heard about what happens with musicians whenever they go on the road.

Of course I trust Michael; I trust him with everything.

It's just the women I don't trust.

I don't want to speak it into existence, but I know for a fact that Michael would never even consider pursuing another woman behind my back.

...because if he did, it would forever devastate me.

For his sake and my sanity, I put my feelings behind me and focused on what lies ahead—which was making it through without Michael for the next two months.


*later on that afternoon, 5 pm, (CST)*


As soon as we landed in Memphis, I felt my stomach sink in.

Knowing that this is how my life is going to be for the next few months, I wasn't really prepared nor ready for this at all.

I only had one thing on my mind.

It was the one thing that kept me going, and the only thing I was fighting for—the one I was truly doing this for.

...and she was damn near two thousand miles away from me.

As soon as we made it to the hotel and settled in, the first thing I did was pull out my phone to FaceTime India just like I promised her I would.

I was so glad to have a room of my own.

I refused to share a room with any of my brothers.

I love them dearly, but living with them in the same vicinity a good majority of my life was irritating.

...and the last thing I needed nor wanted was for them to unnecessarily be in my personal business, especially when it's not their place to be.

I felt a wave of nervousness and strong overwhelming feelings take over my body as a whole upon hearing my phone alert me of an incoming call.

Although I was sad, my facial expression didn't let it show due to the fact that the love of my life was calling.

She smiled as I soon as I began speaking to her.

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