Chapter 4

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I think I was wrong about Beacon Hills. I think I'm going to like it here.

We all made it back to Scott's place and we just hang out.


I slept over a at Scott's place again last night. He gave me his bed but he wasn't in the chair. I got out of the bed and headed downstairs.

He was asleep on the couch. This guy is too nice. I heard the noise of trucks outside. This caught me and Scott's attention. We both ran outside to see what it was. I wasn't surprised when it was outside my house.

'Are those moving vans?' I asked shocked. I ran to my house and found my stuff dumped in boxes outside. 'What the hell?' I said getting angry. My mother walked out hand in hand with her new boyfriend.

'What the hell is this?!' I said pissed. 'We're moving and we're going to start a new life since you don't like living here' my mother said giving snark. She walked past me and Scott shoving me to the side.

'You'll regret this you bitch!' I screamed. 'Dad would never have left!' I said yelling and running back to Scott's house.

I ran into Scott's house and slammed the door. I kneeled down against the door crying my eyes out. Tears were pouring down my face. I have no family left. Yes I hated my mother, but she was all I had left.

Scott came back in running towards me. He held me in his arms letting me cry. I stayed there for a good half an hour. 'Scott she was all I had left' I said crying. He brushed my hair out of my face.

He held my face in his hands. 'Violet Listen we're going to find your fathers killer, no matter what' he said. I nodded and kept crying.

After I was finished letting my emotions out I changed. I still had school so I had to get ready. I didn't do much effort into my outfit. Just a messy bun and a black dress. I wanted to talk to everyone.

I went to school with Scott and Stiles in his jeep. We got out and arrived into school fine. Scott and Stiles has to talk to the sheriff so I met up with Malia and Lydia. 'Your moms a sociopath, you know that right?' Malia said.

She made me laugh a bit. 'You guys seen Issac?' I asked. 'He's right there' Lydia said pointing towards Issac. He walked in looking like he ruled the school. Since when was he popular? 'I'll talk to him' I said.

I walked over towards Issac. 'Um hey?' I asked giving him a weird look. 'Uh hi' He said giving me one back. 'What's your deal?' I asked. 'You, your my deal' he said shoving me to the side.

What is wrong with him? He seemed fine yesterday. His words hurt me for some reason. My mother I could get, but Issac? What could I possibly have done to him?

I ran out of the school hiding behind a wall. I couldn't stand the pain. I didn't fit in and I didn't have any family. I hated this feeling. I used to be strong and powerful. Now I'm weak and powerless.

I was actually starting to like Issac. Now I completely hate him. I decided to leave school and I headed to the park.

I sat on the cold bench for hours. I needed time alone. That is until the sheriff and stiles had found me. They saw that I had been crying and freezing. The sheriff gave me his jacket and stiles hugged me.

Stiles was a good friend. The sheriff who is actually Stiles father drove us to the station. He knew all about werewolves and everything supernatural. He took us into his office and wanted to talk to me.

'Violet I'm very sorry what your going through' the sheriff said. 'Thanks sheriff but please what did you want to talk to me about' I asked. 'I know that you don't exactly have a home' he started to say.

'So your going to live with us!' Stiles added interrupting. The sheriff gave stiles a glare. 'You don't have to do that really' I said. He put his hand out and assured me that it was ok.

He was going to cover my payments for school and help me with my fathers case. 'Thank you so much sheriff Stilinski' I said thanking him.

Stiles took me to my house to pick up my stuff and we drove to his house. 'What happened to your mom?' I asked. He looked hurt when I asked that. 'You don't have to answer Stiles' I said.

'She died' he said. He explained to me what had happened to her. 'Oh Stiles I'm so sorry' I said. We both remained quiet for the rest of the drive.

We made it to Stiles's house. He showed me to an extra room I could stay in. 'Thanks again for doing this' I said throwing my bag on the bed. Stiles showed me his bedroom and let's just say he likes what his dad does.

'Dread doctors?' I asked giving him a confused look. 'Long story' he said. 'You guys really need to tell me what happened' I said laughing. 'Trust me we will explain it, one day' he said.

'Stiles I need to tell you something' I said to stiles. 'Yeah what is it?' He asked. 'When I went up to Issac today he seemed seriously angry at me but I did nothing wrong' I said. He looked down like he knew the answer. 'Stiles what is it?' I asked.

'It's because you remind him of someone a while ago' he said. 'Who?' I asked.

'Allison' he finished.

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