Chapter 8

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Being safe was such an odd feeling. My muscles were always so bunched together, on edge, waiting for Desmond to strike in a drunken rage. Here, however, I could relax, something I wasn't used to. It made my muscles ache as I let up the tension, sinking into my surrounds.

And yet, I loved it.

I could hear Niall's laughter, loud and infectious across from me, from something Louis had said that had half of the table groaning. They had brought me to eat brunch, somewhere called iHop. Everything I looked at on the menu was so good, so I had Niall choose for me. A mistake, that was.

He ordered three separate waffles, double chocolate chip, strawberries and creme, and butter pecan, stating that we'll share. And we got hot chocolate on top of that. My sweet tooth would be twice it's size after this late eleven am breakfast.

My head rests on Gemma's shoulder as I snooze lightly, barely aware of my surroundings. Gemma had her arm wrapped around me, taking my bony frame against her side so that my face was in her neck. "It has been a busy morning, hasn't it?" she laughs softly and I find myself loving her more and more by the second.

She played this familiar role, acting the Big Sister part with me that she always acted around Harry. I felt so giddy that she actually saw me as family, as a little sister. Growing up, I always wanted siblings. Desmond was quiet and reserved, only speaking when he taught me mannerisms and basic human skills. Before he tipped the bottle back, that is.

So I slept on her shoulder for a few necessary moments before they brought out the food. "Those waffles are the size of your heads," Liam laughs at Niall and I. I blush and shrug before pointing a finger at the culprit who ordered all the food. Niall looked at me in fake shock and touched a hand to his chest. "Love, I'm hurt."

"Would some syrup bandage your ego?" I reply, smiling tiredly into the snarky comment. So little energy, but I can still spare some for satire?

Niall's eyes twinkled in mischief. "You've hurt my heart, darlin. I want you to kiss it better." And suddenly, the entire table is quiet, looking at us. A blush tints my cheeks, but I offer a toothy grin.

"I can not kiss what you do not have," his eyebrows furrow in confusion so I elaborate, "after the events of last night, I believe that Harry is the one who holds your heart. You were quite touchy with him. Flirtatious even."

A long, drawn out pause.

Harry is the first to break out into laughter, diminishing the long silence that had settled over awkward tension. Niall was mouth hung wide open, jaw on the table as he blushed furiously. Even the tips of his ears were red. He is obviously amused but equally embarrassed. Everyone is laughing now, even a few other tables.

"What was it that you said? Something about the Styles family being right fit?" I give him a big smile and begin to giggle at his deepening blush.

"Quite right, too. But you kids will never be as attractive as the lovely Anne," he finished smoothly, wrapping an arm around my mother's shoulders. She laughed and waved him off.

"You're too young for me, Niall. Besides, I'm married."

"What Robin doesn't know won't hurt him," he bargains, wiggling his eyebrows. Everyone seems to find that even more hilarious. I simply giggle and begin to cut up the strawberries and creme waffle closest to me.

"You drive a hard bargain, Irish man," Anne laughs loudly, shaking her head. "Call me when you're a few years older."

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