Looking for schools(chapter 4)

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Annie's POV

when I finished getting dressed and all perfectly ready I went down stairs to eat breakfast. My mom had told me yearstuday(before my "date") that today was going to change everything. Well getting back on track my breakfat was scrambled eggs, orande juice and some bread. When I was like at the middle of my breakfast Hayley interruped me saing this:

H: Annie I hope you can find a school that is good, or in your case a school that looks and feels like if you were in homeschool.

*I didn't know about what she was talking, but when I realized I as SHOKED!*

A: plz, this is not happening to me, this is not hapening to me

* I repeat that in my head until my mom interuped me*

M.K: Anni what's wrong

A:mom what are we doing today that is going to change my whole life, as you said yesturday!!!????

M.K: Oh I didn't  told you????

A: um........NO!

M.K: well, I am going to search you a school here in LA.

A: that is all you are going to say???

M.K: yes!, Oh get ready because we are looking for schools like right now-

A: RIGHT NOW!!!!????

M.K: Annie yes, and plz  collaborate with this, k?

A: k, I'll try harder

M.K: good. Hayley!!!!!

H: yes??

M:K: FAST!! eat your breakfast and get ready



M.K: Annie I have a surprise that includes something with Hayden

A: Oh, and why with Hayden?

M.K: I saw you having so much fun with him so I dicided to do something "good"

A: I hope so


I went to my room curious about that topic about the conversation with my mom, and so that I can get all my things like my phone, my phone charger, and maybe some headphones. Meanwhile  I was STILL getting ready and my mom was telling Hayley the surprise. I was so desperate, but still I like surprises. It passed like 10 minutes waiting for Hayley to have breakfast and i'm not saying that she is slow i'm saing that she is also watching netflix(YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN*wink wink*) Yes, we all watch netflix when we are doing like homework, eating, chill.......SORRY, I will get back on track, sooooo my mom told us to get out because we were going to be late and umm.......................late for WHAT?????? We got on the car, meanhile we were getting to ???????    I did some Musical.ys. When we were there I saw a different house, a house that I didn't know., but then................

I hope you are curious like annie about the surprise, but you about the next chapter, I think I'm cofused, but WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!OH and sorry for this chapter this is SHORT!!!! only 463 words not proud, well for now.....BYE!!!!!!!!!!

Love U

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