Chapter 4: Change Your Mind

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"You really think that looks like me?" Jacob stared at the drawing of a hunky boy stroking his chin but his eyes were too small and his jaw was too big "Your proportioning sucks...Oh wait maybe I'm too good-looking and it's hard to capture all of this" he laughs endearingly as he pokes Clary in the arm.

"Oh Jake, you're so full of yourself but it's still life so it's accurate" she grinned cheekily, these two had become fast friends over the last several weeks, Jacob refers to Clary as his sister from another mister.

"See Clary, its ok to draw other people now and again. You don't always have to draw that golden boy vamp – broaden your horizons on good looking people"

"I already told you everything about nephilim and the accords. Stop calling Jace a vampire."

Jacob shrugged, "Meh. When are you going to start talking to the guy – he probably doesn't even know why you're giving him the silent treatment"

"Do I look like someone who wants to talk about that" Clary said as she put on her best sour expression.

"Well you should be honest with Simon then, its mean to keep messing with his feelings. He is more of a best friend to you. You really think you can have a future with a vampire? But with golden boy, you can have babies, blonde ones, red haired ones, or even blonde-reddish ones. Plus you so want him! I can see it" he raised his eyebrows suggestively and tapped his head

"It's more complicated than it sounds. Nothing like your love triangle action you had going on in Washington. Everything is more dramatic in the NYC"

"What's more dramatic in the NYC?" The voice came from a brooding Simon leaning on Jacob's bedroom door.

"What the hell – where did you come from? Stop pulling the whole cliché-vampire on us, appearing out of nowhere" Jacob spluttered.

Simon smiled widely, "I did come for a reason" He turned to peck Clary on the cheek, "Ready for the movies, doll face?"

"Oh ducking glass mole. I forgot!" Clary jumped off Jacob's bed.

"Ducking glass mole?"

"Yeah, I guess some Alec has rubbed off on me... alright let's go, let's go" She hurried Simon out of Jacob's spare room.

"Get out of here love birds" Jacob waved.

He then collapsed on the bed and as he was about to close his eyes, the pillow next to him started to vibrate. He turned to find a green mobile phone next to him. It was Clary's phone. He was just about to run downstairs to give it to her, but he didn't need to when he heard a car engine drive away.

Clary's phone made a second buzzing sound. Out of natural instinct, he accidently stabbed the middle button with his finger to stop the loud beep.


Oh my gosh, C-bear

i thnk Jace died wat shud i do?

u need 2 help me!

Jacob's eyes popped out of his head and he thought, Oh fark, what the hell is happening to the pretty boy? Now I HAVE to read the next message, he smirked and clicked on it.


Haha just kiddin lol,

Dude, Jace is relli emo rite now, u betta tlk 2 him l8r!

Promise me, u'll be at Magnus' party at 12am ; )

Ps: So u and J-C can tlk! :)

Jacob rolled his eyes at their silly nicknames. He pondered 'to reply or not to reply?' with his finger on his chin, well he was Team Jace for Clary after all.


Sure thing Izzyboo, I'll b there wif bells on

Bahaha just kiddin :P

Luv C-Bear xoxo

Ps: I mite bring a sxc dude wif me :P but fo sho, he is relli sxc ;)

He smiled to himself "Whoops I think I did something bad now... How the hell am I going to get Clary to the party?" Now time to come up with a devious plan

Again the phone vibrated against his hand...


OMFG, if u mean Simon, get urself a life

If not, then I call dibs ;)

Luv ya, C-bear xoxoxo

PS: Make sure this guy can dress, I'm sick of dating dumb jocks! :(

Not only did Jacob need to think of a devious he needed a new outfit. He scrolled through Clary's contacts until he selected MAGNUS BANE.

"Oh Clary, what's up? Jace isn't here if you're wondering"

"It's kinda not Clary...ok so not Clary!"

"Oh naked wolf boy, begging me for more clean clothes? I was waiting for you to crawl back. They always do"

"I need a decent outfit for tonight... for your party man! I need to look good! You're the only one I can trust, Luke will put me in an Austin Powers get up"

"Ok here's what we'll do. I need your measurement sizes and some fairly expensive materials, we only have 2 hours, so you better come over!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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