Silvia POV
I looked to my left to see Jace pinning James(I think that's his name) to the wall and growling. Instantly following her lead, I slammed the long-haired one into the wall baring my teeth threateningly in his direction. "Fiesty bitches," the one I was holding drawled, trying to intimidate us. This only made us hurt them more, James let out a soft whimper as Jace dug her nails into his neck. Lisa, beginning to realise Jace was about to break a face, attempted to peel her off of the boy. After about 5 minutes, she succeeded and James wasn't left too bruised. She then grabbed me and lifted me by my waist away from my enemy.
I ran to Piper, noticing that she had a gash on her arm. I helped her up and healed it. "Oh look," Jace began " The dickheads are gone!" I snorted and began plotting hey revenge...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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