Moves, Transformations And Info

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People, the reason why we put the format-
Someone: "I like turtles"
Is because we felt like it's easier.
Also, we will be updating every time a new move or transformation comes so be sure to stay tuned!

Energy is basically power but if you know how to control energy, you can shoot beams, fly and sense.
When you train your body to increase muscles, your energy also increases.

The reason jameels and bounts have similar powers will be explained
a lot later in the story.

Hasifufus doesn't age. He can only be killed by homicide.

The difference between ki and the ancient art is that ki uses pure energy but you could name your attack whatever you want. As for the ancient art it requires ki but only jameels, bounts and SOME humans may be able to learn it, because some descendants still have the power their ancestor's had because Katsu and Norin taught them a millennia ago. Some can be the descendants of Katsu and Norin themselves because they have started a family at one point. The current caretaker of the ancient book that they wrote is Asad.

You can sense anything throughout a planets range. But it's easier if it's closer. That is how you sense someone the first time, most of the time.
Now, if it's beyond a planets range, sensing will only work when someone has a high power level, even if you already sensed it or never sensed it. But if it's a low energy level and they have not sensed it before, they are unable to sense it. But if it's a low energy level and they have sensed it before, they should be able to sense it but not with ease.

Mato: Co-protagonist w/ Lettu
Based off character: Goku.
Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki, teleporting.
Transformations: Super Jameel, Super Jameel 2.

Lettu: Co-protagonist w/ Mato
Based off character: Vegeta, but not as cocky and had more significance. Unlike Vegeta, he is a joint protagonist with Mato.
Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.
Moves: BAUDUKUM, INALAHA, INALAHA self destruct,
Transformations: Ki unleashed, Super Bount, Super Bount 2.

Khiftum: Deuteragonist
Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.

Asad: Tritagonist
Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.

Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.

Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.

Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.

Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki flying using ki.

Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.

Hasifufus: Antagonist
Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.
Moves: 5 o'clock death ray, super out of class death ray,
Transformations: Half Sabaq, Silver Form, Final Gold Form.

Saifullah: Antagonist
Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.
Transformations: Evil Power Boost.

Irfan: Antagonist
Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.
Moves: INALAHA, fusion, access to dark realm.

Amir: Antagonist
Techniques: Ki, sensing using ki, flying using ki.
Moves: AETHTHU, fusion, access to dark realm.

We will be updating every time a new move or transformation comes to be, sure to stay tuned! See ya later!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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