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Dave stared at Jade's door. It was their first date. He was having second thoughts about this date. He was afraid of screwing up with Jade. He thought of leaving. Nah that would ruin his chances with Jade.

He finally worked up the courage to knock on the door. When Jade opened it. She was wearing a long drees that seemed to have green star speckles and a green trim. She looked beautiful. "Well, let's do this!" Jade said. The couple walked to Dave's car "We're are we going to eat?" Jade asked "Oh uh... I got a reservation at a fancy place called Fancy Pants." Dave answered

When they got there they got out of the car. Fancy Pants had fancy everything. The sign was fancy, the building was fancy heck even the parking lot was fancy. "Why did I pick this place?!" Dave thought "Let's go in!" Jade said running to the door. Dave opened up the door for Jade "Man Dave is acting really strange but nice."Jade thought. Jade was having second thoughts about this date like Dave. She thought of what could go wrong. Dave could act like a total idiot and ruin the date. That's what could go wrong and that might happen, too.

They walked to their table. Dave pulled out Jades chair for her and then he sat down. "So... How have you been?" He asked Jade "oh I've been fine. Thanks for asking" she said " how about you?" She asked him "I've been okay" he said "remember, Dave. "Don't do anything stupid." He said to himself quietly so no one could hear him. Soon the waiter came " What would you two like to drink?" The waiter asked "Coke" Dave said "I'll have some tea." Jade said "Coming right up." The waiter said while walking away

The waiter soon returned with the drinks "So, what would you two want to eat?" The waiter asked "I'll have the ribs." Dave said "I will have the salad." Jade said "Alright!" The waiter ran off. "This is awkward. " Jade said "Yeah..." Dave said.

The waiter returned with the food "Here you go ma'm and here you go sir." The waitron said handing them their food. They dug in. "Dave you got sauce everywhere!" Jade said "Oops" Dave said while wiping his face off with a napkin. Jade giggled.

They soon finished their meal "Do you want dessert?" The waiter asked when he came back with the check "Nah where fine" Dave said "Okay! Please pay at the front desk." The waiter ran off. "Well, let's pay." Dave said pulling out his wallet "Oh crap I only have a 20. Jade do you have another 20?" Dave asked "Yeah here." Jade handed Dave $20.

They went over to the front desk and paid "Have a nice day!" The man at the desk said as they walked out. They went into the car. "That was nice." Jade said "Yeah!" Dave said starting the car. When they got to Jade's house they got out of the car. Dave walked Jade to her door "Bye Dave! I had a great time today!" Jade said. All of the sudden Dave kissed Jade on the lips "Bye Jade I love you!" Dave walked over to his car and drove away. Jades face was bright red.


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