Chapter 6 - The Black Widow Returns

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I didn't care if everyone was staring at me or if I wasn't using manners. When I'm hungry and there's food on the table, I eat it, no matter who tries to stop me. God save the person who attempts to stop me from eating or who tries to steal my food, I will go full assassin's creed on their asses. Food is bae, and I've barely had any for 4 years, that's a long ass time.

"Slow down sweetheart, you're going to make yourself sick." An old woman in an apron says to me with a soft smile. She looked so sweet, but I knew better than to trust someone based on their appearance. For all I know, she could secretly be the gang's best fighter or assassin. Now before you question me, remember, I used to be the best spy and fighter in my gang before the 'incident'.

"Thank you for your concern miss, but I haven't eaten barely anything in the last four years, so forgive me if I seem a bit hungry." I reply with so much sharpness, I swear my words could've cut her in half. She looked at Aaron questioningly before walking away from me and back into what I assume was the kitchen.

"Training starts at 11 am sharp," Aaron announced to everyone at the table, but kept his eyes on me, "especially you Elena." My eyes widened in surprise  along with the rest of the gang before I nodded my head and my thoughts drifted back to the girls for the millionth time.

I wonder if their okay or if they've found shelter or if they've started training yet. I swear to God, if Lucy doesn't take good care of them, especially my sister, I'll hunt her down and-

Just then, a fork waved in front of my eyes, cutting me off from my thoughts and I glared at the owner of the hand holding said fork. She was a girl about my age with hair that had every shade of blue on the spectrum. Her eyes were a light grey. She had pale skin and a silver nose ring with small fake diamonds on it.

 "I'm Sapphire, as long as you're not another gang slut, we should get along just fine." She gave me a- I don't even know what it was, it was like a smirk but with more kindness and like a smile but without any teeth. I felt ashamed of myself for this, but I told her the truth. 

"That's actually exactly why I'm here, nothing more than everyone's little whore, it seems." I reply, not sadly, just like stating a fact.

"I see." Sapphire said, she then stood up and walked over to Aaron and slapped him on the back of the head.

 "How dare you! Making her think that you're only keeping her here for sex, you dumbass!" She screamed at Aaron and I swear my jaw dropped down to the floor at the way she treated him. 

"Ow! Seriously, Saph? I was gonna tell her at training, geez." Aaron replied, Jared sitting next to him and laughing his ass off.

"I'm confused." I said slowly. Aaron sighs and looks at me. "Elena, you're not here to be my slave or servant or sex toy. You're here as a member of my gang. It's now my job to provide for you and protect you in exchange for you doing your part in the gang. Once you get your strength back, of course. I want the world to know that the Black Widow is back and deadlier than ever." Everyone's eyes at the table widened at my former title and looked at me with both fear and awe. Poor Jared looked like a fish out of water as he stood up from his chair and looked at Aaron incredulously.

"She's Black Widow?! The famous gang assassin and baiter whose been trained since birth to kill anyone who gets in the way of victory?! I don't believe it. A little weak bitch like her could never be Black Widow."

I smirked at this, feeling my old confidence and sass fill me once again. 

"And I thought the second-in-command of the largest gang in the country wouldn't be pissing his pants because of a simple code name that was spoken. Now Aaron, let's get a few things clear. Number one, only I will decide what missions I go on. Number two, I will not tolerate disrespect from others, I will take orders just like any other gang member, but no sexist comments or insults about my past. And lastly number 3, you hurt anyone I love in any way and I promise you that you will be begging the devil to take you away from me because I'm ten times worse, understood?"

"I think I can agree to that, now let's get your strength and confidence back up." Aaron smirked.

"I have a feeling we're going to be great friends." Sapphire says with an evil glint in her eye.

And that's when the Black Widow was back, better than ever, and ready to kick some major ass.

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