The Tree

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As the sun rose over the high, majestic mountains, the very tired old farmer, wearing filthy overalls and a red flannel shirt, walked along the forest path- covered in needles and leaves from the tall, grand, surrounding trees-as he carried a small seed in the palm of his hand, which happened to be me, ready to grow and become something in this vast world which I was sure I would love as much as the kind, old farmer as he gently dug a small hole (getting more dirt on his already very dirty hands) then placed me inside and covered me up to grow, where i definitely did grow, and my roots spread deep into the cold, moist soil as my stem broke through the dirt and reached up to the pale blue sky, leaves and branches spurting from my sides, making me very happy; however, it was not always easy, especially when the storms would come and try to beat me down in a much crueler way than the soft drizzle of water that the farmer would pour on me during his daily visit to see me, which was my favorite part of the day, for his proud smile made every storm worth it to me, to know I was making him happy by growing and greeting this beautiful, beautiful world, which I lived in for decades to follow, even when the old farmer made his final visit and was buried beside me.

I told you it was short! This is really just something I wrote impulsively but I wanted to share it with you guys. Let me know what you think by either leaving a comment or voting. Much love,


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