°When you're playing in the rain°

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If any of you aren't fond of the rain, it's alright

The loud pitter patter of the rain finally came when the sky darkens. You excitedly looked out the window and saw that your neighborhood became wet from the rain. The rain finally came and you were excited to play out like you did as a kid. Rushing out of the house, you didn't care if you became wet and your excitement grew as the rain added its pace.

You run around the neighborhood, collecting the water on your hands, taste the rain if you ever do and do stuff that you liked as a kid when it rained. The memories flashing and before you knew it, you missed your childhood friends.

From inside of your house, the Blue Blur had woken up from a quick nap and was surprised that you were not inside of the house. Hearing the rain, he looked out the window and stared at it blankly. He heard someone excitedly shouting and playing by herself and saw you.

You're enjoying the moment of being in the rain and nonetheless, never bothered of being wet. Sonic thought about playing along with her but then thunder cracked in the sky and thought, I'm not fond with this.

You got back to your place and saw your blue boy peeking out the window and he quickly looked away when he saw you staring at him. A mischivious grin came up to your face as you stepped onto your porch and opened the door.

"Hey Sonic!" You called out as blue ears peeled out from behind the couch. "Yeah?" He take a peek at you and you smiled sweetly. He blushed and hid under again. Walking to him with wet, squishy feet, he was surprised that you were there.

"What're you doing hiding there? You should be out and play in the rain!" You told him with excitement in your eyes. He looked away and said. "I'm not that fond, of the rain. You know how much I don't like being in water, right?" He told you shamefully.

You look at him concerned and kneeled beside him. "You didn't experience being in the rain huh?"

"I've been into that situation. But most of the time, I don't get myself wet." He explained and sighed.

"Well we can change that. I'd like you to experience being in the rain and that you can enjoy. Even if it wouldn't feel like overcoming your fear of water changes anything, but you'll enjoy this one." You pulled him up to his feet. "I promise."

Sonic had second thoughts on this one. Yet, he likes to play with you, enjoy the moment of you two being together, in the rain. Dancing and playing, it wasn't that romantic but it would feel quiet good. He look at you and managed an honest smile.

"I guess we could go out, for a bit." He said but still unsure if his decision. This made you feel happy about him and pulled him outside.

"Come on! It's still going on and we don't want to miss it, do we?" You told him and he quickly went out, you tagging along. For several minutes, the two of you were chasing around, playing around and you did what you did when you were once a child. Sonic enjoyed for the most with your company and you both hide under a shade whether thunder and lightning strikes in the oddest of moments.

Even if he was still uneasy in the rain, you were there to keep him tight and it made him admire you more. Eventually, the rain started to cease and the two of you still stayed until it stopped. The two of you were like wet dogs but you didn't care. That was something memorable to remember.

"When it rains again. Can we go out?" Sonic asked you and you nodded encouragingly. "Of course we will." You replied and snuggles on his wet chest.

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