Like you want me

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Ahhh, this is uneditied, so forgive me for  mistakes

(Hobi's point of view) 

"Teach me how to kiss you like you want me to"

You were dumbfounded. Yeah, you've kissed her a lot. Yeah, you love her and she loves you in the same way, and yeah, you've kissed her and made out before, but this was different.

 The girl that you've been with for 12 years is asking you to teach her how to kiss you...the way you want to be kissed.

 You're not a perv or creep by all means, but with a girl as pretty as (Y/n), any man would get thoughts like you did after she asked the question so innocently. She was waiting for an answer, her body still wrapped around you like a koala, eyes looking up expectantly. You took a deep breath in.

 "Are you sure you want to?"

 Upon hearing your question she immediately responded with a nod, signaling she was sure of her decision. You had to let her know something important if this was going to happen. You sighed "You know I love you right?" A nod from her "If I teach you this, you can't kiss any other guys. If I teach you, you'll only kiss me." 

A smile crept up her lips

 "Hoseokie, I love you too much. I wouldn't kiss another guy anyways." You let out a whoosh of breath in relief. "Alright" you started. "I don't really know where to start, but the way I want to be kissed by you is rough, but sweet," you smiled when you saw her blushing, pursing her lips... "Like your personality. So, let me lead the kiss, then you can take over, alright? Don't worry if you're confused at first." She nodded again, this time closing her eyes, waiting on you to kiss her. 

Her lips were always so soft... you kissed her like you always did, starting off softly, but moving your mouth rapidly, trying to get as much done as possible. Soon  after you got into the kiss, she started moving her mouth too, surprising you and causing you to let out a low pitched muffled laugh. You both had your hands on each other, feeling every part that was safe to touch. She was good, biting down on your bottom lip occasionally, you trying to turn the kiss french, her giving you complete access but not letting you have full control. You smiled  into the growing kiss at the thought. With her personality, of course she wouldn't let you have full control. 

With a popping noise you pulled back, running your hands through your hair, panting. "Wow, okay" you smiled. 


 You were cut off by (Y/n) when she quickly said,

 "Was amazing."

 Finishing your sentence, she pulled you back into the kiss, and you finally had to find a wall to sit down against, she was still hanging onto you.When you found a wall, putting your back to it and sliding down, you placed your hands on the back of her head, and you couldn't help but let out a small muffled sound that you hoped she couldn't hear. 

The kiss was sloppy and fast now, you sucking up any of your spit that was dripping so there wouldn't be a mess. Everything about this was perfect, the girl you loved for so long was kissing you the way you wanted to be kissed without you telling her how.

Like she wanted you

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