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My hands were shaking. I held my hands over her ears. I eventually let one hand loose. The curls in her hair shook as I slowly let go.

The last day of summer felt like the last day of my life. That summer I met someone. Instead of sleeping around like I usually did. I told them I got out for good behavior. That reason was a lie from my lips. It was the clown. The clown got me out.

Something happened. They proved my false Innocence. I did do it. And they knew it. So what changed. All I heard now was the echo of it's laugh inside my head. Bit then those events were from a long time ago. It's senior year and I still haven't changed. But it's the clown. We have a deal. A deal that keeps me from getting caught. Ever since I was told: "To kill him."

But still yet here I was. With girl whose name I can't remember now. A familiar face now a fuzzy memory. I remember her eyes. Big brown like a deer ready and begging to be hit. That kind of Innocence that will hurt her one day.

I have nothing left. Everyday fades away. I find myself entering college now. A community one. God only knows how I got those grades. Let's say my English teacher was a real sick women.

I find this morning I'm drunk and sober. With an awful pounding hangover. God knows how much I had. A night with Victor never left us with any victory. I got so drunk last night that i must've started thinking about the rats.

Those losers. Beverly the easy little picking. And those other now name kids. That Jew, fat-ass, Mr stutter, and imafriadofeverything kid.

I pulled up a shirt and some old and ripped jeans. I put on a grey T. And brushed my teeth. The stank of the cigarettes would keep away the babes I thought, this might help at least.

Especially with that no name babe in civics. I got in my rusty truck, pulled up to his house to pick up my last friend left Victor. And drove off to the first day of community college.

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