We meet again

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Characters in this- Prompto Argentum, Noctis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, and Ardyn Izunia

Pairings- None

Prompto goes off to take some photos. He runs into Ardyn and feels uneasy while talking with him.


Spell checked?-  Yes

Note- I'm back! I will try to write every two days or once a week if possible. I understand this is very rushed and not that great but i'm trying to get the hang of writing again. 


It was a warm spring day, the flowers were just starting to bloom and all the animals were flocking back to these areas once again filling it with life. Prompto chose to leave camp a bit early to explore. It was six AM and these others were still asleep. Prompto tried to leave at five but he was clumsy when he was trying to grab his camera and woke Ignis up who questioned him. The group never really separated unless it was in groups of two, most of the time that is. Prompto wanted to take some good photos while he could, he would have done it while the others were with him but he didn't want to bother them to much. Prompto held his expensive camera tightly in his hands as he searched for the perfect spot to take some photos. Prompto was excited to finally have some nice spring photo's but one thing was nagging him in the back of his mind. As he slowly got further away from the camp he started to get a bad feeling, a feeling as if he was being watched. Though he tried to ignore it, he thought it was just his imagination. He didn't want to ruin his mood by worrying about something like that. 

After ten minutes he couldn't see the camp anymore and he found a nice spot with short grass growing and trees blooming new flowers. Small beasts roamed around but they didn't pose much of a threat for the time being. He got a bit closer and snapped a quick picture.  He smiled and looked at the photo through the small screen, it had perfect lighting and everything seemed to be in the most perfect positions possible. Prompto smiled brightly at the newly taken picture, "perfect" he whispered to himself. He snapped his attention up and saw the beasts running off in small packs. This confused him,he couldn't of startled them he was being fairly quiet. "Oh? Did I scare them?" a low voice asked from behind Prompto. Prompto turned around and his eye's widened at what he saw. There stood Ardyn, Prompto took a few steps back. He cleared his throat slightly, "Yeah uh-..it's okay" Prompto replied nervously. Ardyn smiled and crossed his arms, "good". Prompto looked to the side, he was becoming increasingly uncomfortable as the odd man stepped forward. "Why are you here?" Prompto managed to ask the other man. Ardyn clicked his tongue and shrugged, "passing by" he replied. Prompto felt that was a lie and looked around slightly, "I should be heading back now" he spoke softly and slowly walked away from Ardyn. "So soon? Such a shame, I had a few things to tell you" he responded. Prompto swallowed roughly, "sorry I really need to get going". Ardyn didn't respond after that, Prompto was not bothered by that. He walked quicker and glanced back once to not see Ardyn at all. He sighed in relief. He slowed down a tad bit and made his way back to the camping grounds. He just hoped the other didn't wake while he was away. 

Again in ten minutes he made it back to the camp, Ignis was awake and looked alarmed. "Iggy?" Prompto asked sounding confused as he walked behind him. Ignis sighed softly, "there you are. I was genuinely getting concerned about your safety". Prompto chuckled nervously, "Yeah sorry about that. I left to take some pictures. There was a slight hold up that is why it took me so long" he responded. Ignis flashed him a confused look, "Slight hold up? What do you mean?" Prompto smiled, "it's nothing,don't worry. Is anyone else up yet?" he tried to change the subject. Ignis shook his head, "not yet. Mind waking them?" Prompto nodded, "can do" with that he walked towards the tent to wake the others up for the day. 

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