Rock 'n' Roll

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Hey guys! What's up? I'm Emily Rosewood I'm schooling in Richwood High, it's a great middle school, but it has its ups and downs. Anyway I love singing, and people say they love hearing me sing, so I kinda call myself, well a singer. My favourite singer is Christina Grimmie. I just love her voice and hair. Anyway today morning when I woke up to go to school, I just wanted to go, surprisingly, I got up did everything, and was ready to go, but of course I got late cause by the time I was ready my little sis Emma was still snoring, and by the time she was ready to go we were late. So in brake time I went to the notice board to check whether there were any new activities, and I was in shock, there was a talent show and the winner gets two tickets to go see Christina Grimmies latest hit song live! I was so excited, I could hardly breathe, and the auditions were coming Friday. I was obviously gonna sing one of Christina Grimmies songs and I was gonna rock it. I called both of my BFFs [best friends forever] Lia and Laila they are twins, and of course they never get along but there still my besties. Anyway we all had a good scream of happiness. Lia rocked a drum solo and Laila rocked a guitar. We all went to the music room to rehearse, oh! Yeah and I sang dark horse by Christina Grimmie, sure dark horse sounds like a stupid song but it is awesome. Then my besties and I hit the mall to get some new outfits and I got like the rock and roll type of thing, Lia and Laila both went for the fancy type. Don't mean to brag, but we looked like models from pop magazines. Ok, fine I do mean to brag, we looked so good. Ok, now we had the talent, we had the practise and we had the outfits, the only thing we were missing were the confidence. We were really nervous, and can you believe I almost left my diary there, whew so glad I didn't, cause last time my diary was missing, my little brother took it for show and tell in school. Anyway as I was saying, of course we planned on winning, it's just that we needed something to boost our confidence level. We knew exactly what can do that. We watched a little something in the cinema drinking red bull and man that worked. After that we hit the hay. Today I feel like I have all the energy in the wold and let me tell you, it felt great. Today I got dressed and while eating breakfast you won't believe what happened. Emma spilled her whole milk cup on me and I'm telling you it was hot, and I was so mad at her. I got changed again and ate my remaining breakfast and went to school. I didn't hear anything the teacher said because I was drawing Christina Grimmie on my book. Can you imagine how excited I was at meeting her, well if I won, because surprisingly there was a lot of people participating, then, there was a sudden silence, I looked up the teacher was staring at me and my Christina Grimmie drawings, and her hand pocked out of then front of my face with a detention slip. Anyway I didn't care because I was still excited about the talent show. I stood there in detention, with Mr. Smith threatening us. I was just imagining Christina Grimmies new pop song. After all of that we went home took a quick nap, but I didn't, all I did was practise dark horse. Boy, I was nervous. Today was the talent show. When my besties and I went there it was crowded, but you wouldn't believe what I saw, I saw Christina Grimmie. She was one of the judges, and she smiled and winked at me. I almost fainted. I was so excited. It was starting, when someone just spilled a whole glass of smoothie on me, but good thing I wasn't dressed, I ran back home since it wasn't even close to my turn. I changed in my show outfit and ran back to the show, by then it was my turn, but the worst thing happened to me I got stage fright, but I managed to sing a little. You know it wasn't so bad I was a natural. I sang and sang and sang. Finally they announced which three students will be singing with Christina Grimmie. I was so sad, I'm kidding it was me and my besties. They just wanted to watch since they couldn't sing. Anyway I rocked her song and you wouldn't believe what she said to me. She said I was awesome, she said she would love to hang out sometime.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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