who??? part 1

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megen pov.

I haven't seen Alex's in a week and he doesn't answer his door I don't know what to do .

Alex pov.

I haven't talked to megen I feel bad but I have to stay away right now because my moms family is coming to visit and well they don't now I'm trans so I have to be her for my moms family I hate seeing them I feel like she'll never be gone .

megen pov .

I was just getting out of my moms car and I saw some girl I never seen before I wonder if Alex's knows her I should see if he's home .....

I walked up to Alex's door and his mom answered she smiled at me and told me that Alex can't hang out right now I said OK and went home I miss him .

Alex's pov .

I hate not seeing megen and I hate these girl clothes I hearing my birth name that's not my name that's her name is what I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs but mom would hate me if I did so I stayed quite  my grandma asked if I had a boyfriend and I told her no she told my mom that I need to get out there more that night after dinner I cut my  stomach

my thighs my cheats I passed out on my bed

megen pov 

I heard the ambulance coming from outside so I went to go check what happened and I saw Alex being carried away in a gurney I went over there just do what happened to him his mom said he had passed out in his room he was all bloody and pale I could barely recognize him I broke down crying I ran and told my mom that I need to go see Alex's in the hospital she told me that we could go see him in the morning

Alex's mom's pov .

I walked it to see if Alex's was ok  and I saw my baby laying there life less he was so pale I called the ambulance and I cryed my eye out I should have let him tell my mom and the rest of my family that he was trans ...

at the hospital in Alex's room (still his moms pov . )

the docter told me he lose a lot of blood and went Alex's passed out he hit his head and that he's in a coma my poor baby mite not wake up and if he does he might not remember who I am or anybody..

megen's pov .

I woke up and got ready to go see Alex's when I got to the hospital his mom told me he was in a coma I stayed in his room crying my eyes out

a/n please tell me what u think

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