Chapter 8: School anniversary pt 1.3: wake up call

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previously on Aikatsu stars

M: our ship is sailing strong but not strong enough

A: okay what's the next plan

M: hmmm... let me think??

A: okay

M: nah i got nothing

A: ahh come on

M: ill think about some thing tomorrow okay bye nii-san

{mahiru ends the call}

Asahi said in his head

asahi pov

Ohh come on Mahiru you"ve got to be kidding me welp but anyways it's getting dark i better go i guess ill leave these two love birds here..well i wonder what their reactions are when they wake up i mean ill guess ill find out tomorrow .

As Asahi left the two love birds sleeping together it soon got dark a few minutes later Subaru woke up
" uhhgh what time is it? "
He has supposed to move out of the bed when he noticed something gripping on to him like a seat belt he lifted up his blanket to see a girl but not just any girl it was Yume
" yudetako!?" He shouted which caused Yume to respond
" five more hours" Yume mumbled in her sleep it was right then Subaru thought of in his mind
" she's so cute she's like a kid.. SUBARU GET YOUR HEAD TOGETHER THERE'S A FREAKING GIRL SLEEPING NEXT TO YOU !!!" He shouted in his mind which resolved in his mind to just wake her up
" I guess I have to wake her up" he said

But soon as he realised me made the wrong choice

As soon as he got closer yo Yume
Her eyes opened

Y; Oi! What are you doing!
S: I was just umm...
Y: pervert!

* slap!!*

S: owww!!

Y: pervert!

Yume leaves the bed and got out

S: what did i do this time

A week has passed since the accident, and now it's the schools festival

Everyone is preparing for later

But something unexpected happened

To be continued

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