The person who stays in my apartment.(Jiminxreader)

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Friday 7:00 a.m

I jingled the key of my new apartment proudly,I got a spacious and luxurious apartment for barely nothing.I mean it,it was way more cheaper than I expected.Too cheap,when I asked the owner of the apartment why he was selling it at such a low price he just told me it was because he urgently needed someone to buy it as he was moving to another country.

I opened the door and looked around.Time to start unpacking.At the end of the day,I was completely drained.I sat on my bed.Smiling while looking around.

My eyes landed on the locked door just infront of my room.I felt a wave of uneasiness wash over me.The owner told me to never open it as there was only old furnitures in it.However,I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when I see the door.I shook that thought off and decided to take a long bubble bath.

I got in the bathtub and let out a moan at the feeling of the pleasant hot water against my skin.

I gasped when I heard someone moan back,a light moan.So light I thought that maybe I imagined it.I concluded that I imagined it but still the uneasiness I was feeling kept on growing.I felt that I was being watched.

I got into some comfy clothes and laid on bed preparing myself to sleep.

Some minutes later I was awaken by footstep sound.I blinked and stayed still trying to hear it but again it all stopped.Am I being crazy? I mumbled.

Little did I know that there was someone staying in the apartment with me and that person was not mentally stable.


Sat 10:02 a.m

"Hey,Alice,come over at my apartment,let's watch a movie"I said cheerfully over the phone.

"Yeah sure"she replied with the same enthusiasm laced in her voice.


Sat 7:00 p.m

"Y/n,where's the toilet?,i drank too much of bubble tea I think"Alice said.

"It's in my room,once there look around you'll see it"i said my eyes still glued to the tv screen.

"Yah y/n come with me,it'all all dark there.It's scary"she said,I looked at her thinking that she was just joking but when I saw her face I knew she was serious.

"Is there anything wrong Ceecee?I asked.

"Nah,forget about it.I'm just going to pee"she said before heading to my room.I bited my lips.Is there something she was not telling me.And as I was still in my thought I heard a scream.Alice.

"Alice??"I rushed to my room.

"There's someone over there"Alice was pointing towards a dark corner in my room.

"why didn't you switch on the light? Of course in the dark,people tend to imagine a lot of things you know" I said before switching the light on.

And as I expected,there was nothing.Except for a chair which I don't remember was there before but there was no one.Alice gulped.

"Y/n,I think I'm gonna go home now"Alice said faking a smile before rushing to grab her things.

"I thought you would stay,we agreed on that right?"I said in disbelief.

"I gotta go,sorry.I've got something urgent to do" she said before storming off the apartment leaving me still confused behind.

"What?"I whispered.I can't believe she just left me like this.

I switched off the tv and got on bed with a big frown on my face."Alice could be such a pest sometimes."

I chewed on my lower lip."But why did she left so abrubtly?"I whispered.

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