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Everyone stared at him. He turned bright red. I could barely control myself enough to not laugh. I've known him since forever and I can tell you all about the time we tried to learn how to pick locks 'cause we thought it'd be a cool skill and get us friends. It didn't really work. At least, not for me. He's actually really good at it.

No one knew that though.

So now things are awkward and it's my time to be a good best friend.

Before I could open my mouth to break the silence, Jonas asks, "Does anyone have a paper clip?"

If everyone didn't already think he was crazy, they definitely thought it now.

"I think my best friend," I looked at him, "meant to ask if anyone had a bobby pin they could spare."

He was nodding along. Sadie reached up to her elaborate series of braids and wordlessly handed him a pin. He took it and, no lie, the room was so silent that if he dropped it you'd be able to hear it land on the mat.

He almost tripped over his own feet which caused him to almost fall on our wounded principal. I wasn't surprised this happened.

Jonas got the door opened in a minute and a half. It's not saying much about the public school system that an eighth grader can get it open that fast and that they consider it "extra safe" and "super difficult to pick."

Again, everyone was surprised. I was confused why they were still being surprised, as if we didn't all realize the fact that our school was taken over by FREAKING VIDEO GAME MONSTERS. Anyway.

It was decided that most of the class would stay behind with the teacher and principal. Group of five of us was selected to go help the others in the locker rooms. Me, Jonas, Sadie, Jack, and Ann were chosen to be the adventurers. In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea to send the only two people to (possibly) go to their doom. Oh well.

We quickly and quietly (duh) went to the girls' locker room.  Again, Jonas picked the lock, this time a little quicker since he knew what to expect from the kind of lock.

When we walked in, everyone jumped. I held up my hands and said, "We come in peace!"

A few people looked like they wanted to murder me for joking around.

Jonas also looked like he was fed up with me, but he's always fed up with me so it didn't faze me.

Sam asked what we were planning on doing, and I said, "Getting the hell out."

She said, "Well duh, but I hoped you had some kind of plan."

I walked over to her and whispered, "Do you know how screwed we are? 'Cause we are very screwed."

"Why are we so screwed? It's just a really-scary-definitely-not-a-drill lockdown, right?"

I cough her up with what happened and all she said was, "We are so screwed."

I nodded and Jonas asked, "Does anyone have any ideas for how to get out?"

Ann looked up at the windows and told us, "These windows have latches. That means they open, right?"

We all looked at the teacher in the room. "Well, if anyone can get up there, sure, they open."

Ann, ever the athletic one, volunteered to go up and through the window first. Jonas and Jack gave her a boost up, she unlocked the window, and she lost her balance. I know, I know. It was a really bad thing. But, we didn't hear a thud, which was worse. I was boosted up next to find out what on earth just happened, and I didn't see her through the window. That's when I stuck my head through the window. Jonas made sure to grab my ankles to make sure I wouldn't fall like Ann did. I gasped and pulled myself back inside.

"What? What did you see?" Everyone was asking.

I looked down at Jonas and said, "It's a portal."

He caught on to my track of thought. "You don't mean..."

"I do."

I faced my classmates and explained to them, "In the game we play, there are three modes. Dark Gloomy Butterflies, Angry Rainbow Unicorns, and Sweet Fluffy Bunnies. Easy, difficult, and hard. Anyone wanna guess which way she chose to go?" I looked around the room. "Anyone, anyone?"

"She didn't," Jonas said.

"Oh she did," I said with a grim smile.

Again, we were ambushed by a chorus of "what" and "what happened" and "what's going on"

We answered in unison.

"Sweet Fluffy Bunnies."

A/N: sorry for such a short chapter but the next part is gonna be longer I promise. I'm gonna try to make these longer. Key word being try. And you should go check out my friend, xtremehufflepuff and read her solangelo fanfic

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